Donald Trump – Anger Against Trump Is Growing


NEW YORK (Dagbladet): Opinion polls show that Americans are already very dissatisfied with the way Trump has handled the crown pandemic. On Wednesday came a dramatic new reveal of the upcoming book “Rage,” written by famous journalist Bob Woodward. In interviews, Donald Trump admits how he deliberately downplayed the dangers of the coronavirus. This was first reported in the Washington Post and CNN.

So far, more than 195,000 Americans have lost their lives in the pandemic.

Massive criticism

Trump himself claims that he did what he did not to create panic in the population. Political opponents and medical experts believe, however, that he acted completely irresponsible and did not give people a chance to prepare for the pandemic. They also point out how you have deliberately encouraged behavior that can aggravate the situation, including by poking fun at face masks.

REVEALED: A new book reveals how Donald Trump “toned down” the crown. Video: AP
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– Trump never seemed willing to fully mobilize federal authorities and continued to push problems to the states. There was no strategy for managing the situation or for taking massive action to deal with one of the most complex emergencies the United States has ever faced, Woodward writes.

JOURNALIST: Journalist Bob Woodward became famous as one of two journalists who exposed the Watergate scandal for the Washington Post in 1974. Photo: AP Photo / Cliff Owen, File
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Excerpts from the book have created backlash in the United States, especially among Trump’s political opponents.

– Cost of life

– I knew how dangerous it was. While the deadly disease swept through our country, it didn’t do its job on purpose. It was a life and death betrayal of the American people, Biden said at an election rally in Michigan on Wednesday.

He refers to studies that estimate that as many as 54,000 Americans, who have died of corona, could have been alive if Trump had quickly shut down much of the country two weeks earlier.

– Trump’s mistakes have not only cost lives. It also sent our economy into chaos, says Biden, and therefore believes that Trump is to blame for the economic recession and millions of unemployed.

Revealed in new book: - Mortal

Revealed in new book: – Mortal

– It’s more than despicable. It is a neglect of duty of service. It’s a shame, says Biden.

A large number of prominent politicians and others have reacted strongly.

Lost his father

Democratic Congressman Ilhan Omar lost his father this summer to the coronavirus.

– All I can think of is my father and the nearly 200,000 people who have lost their lives to COVID-19 as a result of this president’s gross negligence and lies. Trump had the power to save lives, but did his best not to, she writes. Twitter.

– It’s a damn truth that President Trump lied and that people died. It just makes me mad. How many people would have been alive today if I had only told the truth to Americans? says Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, according to AP.

Several medical experts were also in the US media on Wednesday. Many were dismayed and furious at how they believe Trump’s actions have cost lives.

LOOSE LEAD: US President Donald Trump attacked his Democratic rival Joe Biden. Nor was he kind to a journalist with a mask. Photo: AP
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– I think of the panic of every family that I called on FaceTime to tell them that their relative was dying or had died. And I think it multiplied 190,000 times throughout this country. As a frontline worker, I am furious, “said Craig Spencer of the New York Presbyterian Hospital and Columbia’s Director of Medicine and Director of Global Health. CNN.

Get support

Some prominent Republicans defend Trump.

“When you have a crisis situation, you have to inform people about public health, but at the same time you don’t want to create hysteria,” Republican Senator Thom Tillis said, according to CNN.

– I don’t think I have to go on TV and shout that we’re all going to die. His actions to shut down the economy were correct. I mean the tone of the time that spoke for itself. “People knew it was serious,” Sen. Lindsey Graham told the television channel.

– Attenuated

In an interview in the book on February 7, Trump openly says that he already knew how deadly and contagious the coronavirus was. However, he went on to say publicly that the virus would “magically” disappear. It also held at least six large rallies, which could potentially lead to mass dispersal. Until recently, he has also continued to poke fun at people who wear bandages.

Trump Demands Fox News Journalist Fired

Trump Demands Fox News Journalist Fired

– I want to tone it down. I’ll keep toning down because I don’t want to create panic, Trump told Woodward on March 19, as much of the United States was shutting down and the pandemic was growing rapidly.

Trump also defended his own handling.

– Show strength and confidence, is what I have done. Our figures relative to other countries are good. We have done a good job. We didn’t want to create panic and shout that “the problem was big” and scare everyone, he said at a news conference at the White House on Wednesday.

The United States currently has the highest number of recorded cases and deaths from corona in the world.

– If we hadn’t done what we did, millions would have died. We learned about the disease. We know who he’s attacking and he’s done a fantastic job. No one should have died. China launched something and it shouldn’t have happened. They could have stopped him, says the president of the United States.
