Deutsche Bank will no longer do business with Donald Trump – E24


Donald Trump still owes the bank, which has been his main source of funding for two decades, more than NOK 2.5 billion. Report to a New York Times source.

CUTTING BANDS: Deutsche Bank will have nothing to do with Donald Trump in the future, apart from accepting loan repayments.



Trump supporters stormed Congress last week in a riot that ended with five deaths. Democrats want to prosecute Donald Trump a second time for inciting violence.

Donald Trump has been banned from most major online media platforms, including Twitter, and it was announced Tuesday that more businesses will not donate to the 147 Republicans who refused to acknowledge the election result.

Now the giant Deutsche Bank has also decided to almost terminate the client relationship with the Trump organization, reports a source with knowledge of the case to the New York Times.

The bank will not repay Trump’s $ 1 billion loan, and beyond receiving the repayments in the next few years, the bank will have nothing to do with the outgoing president, according to the source.

Deutsche Bank is the 21st largest bank in the world with total assets of $ 12.3 trillion and based in Frankfurt. The bank is said to have been the only one willing to make a loan to Trump, after a series of bankruptcies in the 1990s, writes The Guardian.

As early as November, Reuters wrote that the bank was looking for opportunities to cut ties with the president.

The head of the US bank, Christiana Riley, condemned the assault on Congress last week.

– We are proud of our constitution and we support those who try to defend it to ensure that the will of the people is preserved and there is a peaceful transfer of power, he wrote on Linkedin.

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Signature Bank, another popular source of financing for Trump, is also cutting ties with the president. The president’s daughter, Ivanka, was a member of the board from 2011 to 2013.

“We also will not do business with any member of Congress who voted to disapprove of the election result,” Susan Turkell, a Signature Bank spokeswoman, told the New York Times.

The bank has now started closing Trump’s two personal accounts with approximately NOK 45 million in them.

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Donald Trump is unable to host the PGA tournament on his golf course after he incited violence and possible coup attempts.

David Moir / Reuters

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Trump owns or operates 17 golf courses and has been to the golf course 308 times since he became president about four years ago.

The Professional Golfers Association (PGA) has now announced that the scheduled tournament to be held at Trump Bedminster will move to another location.

“It is clear that a PGA Championship race at Trump Bedminster will be detrimental to the PGA brand,” said Jim Richerson, president of the Golf Association.

According to the New York Times correspondent at the White House, losing a golf tournament must have hit Trump hard.

– It’s out of the PGA decision, says a White House source. He’s angry about the high court case, but the reaction to the golf tournament was on a whole different level, he writes. Maggie Haberman on Twitter.

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