Democrats look red


President Donald Trump is in the midst of a new scandal. Late Sunday night Norwegian time, the leading newspaper The New York Times published a shocking revelation.

Trump allegedly did not pay income tax for 10 out of 15 years, according to information from tax returns for more than 20 years that the newspaper has obtained. According to the newspaper, Trump paid $ 750 (7,100 crowns) in federal income tax in 2016, the year he was elected president, and $ 750 remains in his first year as president.

While the president calls the article fake news, Democrats are furious.

– contempt

Nancy Pelosi, leader of the House Democrats, believes the article provides insight into “the extraordinary steps the president has taken” to cheat tax rules and avoid paying their share of the tax, “as Americans do. workers “.

She believes the article provides further evidence that the Ways and Means Committee (controlled by the Democrats) should have access to Trump’s tax returns. The committee is the oldest in Congress, the largest committee on taxes and fees, and has tried to access tax returns in the past.

“It is a sign of President Trump’s contempt for America’s working families,” he said in a statement.

Nancy Pelosi and Bill Pascrell.  Photo: AP Photo / J. Scott Applewhite / NTB

Nancy Pelosi and Bill Pascrell. Photo: AP Photo / J. Scott Applewhite / NTB
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Bill Pascrell calls Trump the “most corrupt president in the history of the country.”

– As the leader of Congress’s fight to access Trump’s tax returns since February 2017, this article confirms something we feared most. Donald Trump has spent his entire life abusing the tax system to lie, cheat and steal on an almost unthinkable scale.

Pascrell is a member of the aforementioned Ways and Means Committee.

– Trump’s financial loss confirms that while he presented himself as a brilliant financial wizard, he is a cheater, a fraud, and perhaps the worst businessman in the world.

Documents obtained by the New York Times show that Trump has not paid income tax for ten of the last 15 years. This is due to large economic losses. Avisa writes that Trump also has large debts on him, which he has guaranteed himself, as if he would soon have to pay. Additionally, Trump is fighting the US tax authorities for more than $ 72.9 million that Trump has withheld in taxes.

– I will not abandon my search to prove our case and will continue to support our efforts for transparency. This is not political. No citizen is above the law, Pascrell writes.


Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal said Sunday night that the article emphasizes the importance of the committee’s ongoing lawsuit to gain access to Trump’s tax return, writes CNN.

– I’m sure the law is on the side of the committee, he says, and says that his case is too strong.

Kate Bedingfield, campaign vice president for presidential candidate Joe Biden, tells the television channel that the article is a reminder of how clear the choice is in the race between Park Avenue and Scranton.

Trump is known from New York, while Joe Biden is from the midsize town of Scranton in Pennsylvania.

– You have Donald Trump, a president who spends his time thinking about how he saved himself from paying taxes, to fulfill the obligation that all other workers in this country fulfill each year. With Joe Biden, you have someone who has a completely different perspective on what it means to be a working family in this country, he says.

CHOSEN ONE: US President Donald Trump would not promise to promise a peaceful transfer of power to Democrat Joe Biden if he loses the November 3 presidential election.
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Self-proclaimed billionaire

“Raise your hand if you have paid more in federal income taxes than President Trump,” wrote Chuck Schumer, the Democratic minority leader in the Senate, in Twitter.

– The president pays less taxes than families in distress, and he is proud of it. He believes that teachers and caregivers should pay to keep our country running, not billionaires or big corporations. It is time for rich and powerful people like Trump to pay their share, writes Elizabeth Warren. Twitter.

She was one of the Democrats who tried to become the party’s candidate for this year’s presidential election, and for a period she was considered one of the leading candidates in the nomination campaign.

– It should not require a court decision or disclosure to know how much the president pays in taxes. We should require them to post the tax return and prevent them from owning business empires on the site, writes She continued.

Donald Trump, a self-proclaimed billionaire, received a $ 72.9 million tax refund from the IRS (tax administration), while not paying a penny in federal income taxes for 10 of the 15 years writes Bernie Sanders, who also tried to win the party’s nomination as a presidential candidate.

Trump is fighting tax authorities for more than $ 72.9 million that Trump has withheld in taxes. The IRS believes he had no right to withhold taxes, and if Trump loses that battle, he will suddenly owe more than $ 100 million, according to the New York Times.

Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Bernie Sanders and Presidential candidate Joe Biden.  Photo: AP Photo / Matt Rourke / NTB

Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Bernie Sanders and Presidential candidate Joe Biden. Photo: AP Photo / Matt Rourke / NTB
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– Your bankers will have to deal with your failure as an entrepreneur. But dealing with his failed presidency is up to us, writes Pete Buttigieg, who was also a hopeful candidate in the party’s nomination campaign.

– In 2016, Donald Trump paid 170 times more big money to Stormy Daniels than he did in federal income taxes. writes Gerry Connolly, a Virginia state congressman and Democrat who also calls Trump a fraud.

Trump’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, is now serving a three-year sentence under house arrest for, among other things, lying to Congress and paying Stormy Daniel the $ 130,000 (nearly 1.2 million crowns) in the called secret money. The money the porn actor is said to have received, not to mention the alleged romance during the 2016 presidential election campaign.

Stormy Daniels claims she had an affair with Trump since 2006.

– Fake news

Trump himself rejected the information at a news conference Sunday night, calling it completely false: fake news. He claims that he has paid a lot of taxes.

Trump has fought fiercely, even in court, against anyone seeking access to his tax information, including Congress.

An attorney for the Trump Organization, Alan Garten, told the New York Times that “most, if not all, of the facts appear to be inaccurate.” It says Trump has paid tens of millions of dollars in taxes.

Trump is the first American president in modern history who has refused to file his tax returns. He claims that his tax information is very complex and that he cannot publish it as it is under audit.

However, this would not prevent them from being published, and many believe that he refuses to present them because he has something to hide.

Dagbladet is following the case.
