Dead person in Skien: – Found in the center of the fire – VG


USE OF DOGS: Police send dogs to the area where the dead man was found. Photo: Theo Asland Valen

Police moved in Tuesday afternoon after a report that there was a fire in a forest in Skien. At the scene, they found a dead person.

– Basically, the message was about fire. When police and firefighters arrived, it was revealed that there was also a dead person at the center of the fire, says Telemark police leader Dag Størksen.

– We keep all hypotheses open, be it a voluntary act, an accident or, in the worst case, a murder.

The identity of the deceased is unknown and Kripos will assist in the identification work. Størksen says there are no recent missing reports from the Skien or Grenlands area.

– It’s too early to tell if it’s a man or a woman We have not yet decided whether to request further help from Kripos, says Størksen.

At 2:15 pm, the police received a report that a forest was burning in Skien, in Vestfold and Telemark counties. Therefore, the emergency services moved.

Half an hour later, the police report that a dead person has been found at the scene and that the area has been cordoned off.

– One person was found dead in connection with a minor fire. We are now working on a tactical and technical investigation to find out what happened, says Størksen.

He says that the police are very interested in the leads and asks those who have made observations that he calls for a strike to call the police on 47696200.

INVESTIGATING THE EVENT: Emergency services are in place after the discovery made by the police in a forest in Skien. Photo: Theo Asland Valen

Too early to say what happened

If they suspect that it started to burn before or after the person’s death, Størknes won’t say anything about it.

– I cannot go into what has emerged in the witness interviews, it is too early in the investigation to come out with details. We have received some advice and interviewed witnesses from people in the area and firefighters involved, and we are conducting a survey, says Størknes.

Police worked at the scene Tuesday afternoon and the area was cordoned off. There must be a very small area that has been burned.

Joachim Rakvåg, on duty at interchange 110 southeast, is a small grass fire.

– The fire department is putting out the fire. There does not appear to be a danger to the surrounding buildings, so no one should be evacuated, he tells VG at 2:50 p.m.

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The case is being updated.

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