– Days when I only cry


Last week, Swedish workout influencer Elin Kjos (32) shared a harsh message with her followers on Instagram. The 32-year-old man since March, when a tumor larger than 20 centimeters was discovered in his right lung, has fought the battle against cancer with dissemination.

Treatment has recently consisted of a combination of immunotherapy and two types of chemotherapy. And last week, the 32-year-old shared that she received the worst possible message after a new X-ray examination.

- Cytotoxin does not work

– Cytotoxin does not work

Chemotherapy, of which he has received six strong doses, has not worked.

“No matter what happens now, I know that I will never stop fighting and I will never lose hope. I will try to continue training, have experiences, laugh, live and love. While it lasts,” was one of those who wrote Kjos in the post.

NIGHTMARE: Elin Kjos was going to check why he had been coughing for so long. Now she is fighting for her life. Video: Instagram @ elin.kjos Reporter: Celina Morken
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– Both scared and restless

Almost a week later, Kjos can tell Se og Hør that it was a very heavy message to receive, both for her and her family.

– Of course, I’m scared and worried about what it will be like in the future and how the body will feel. I just try to take one day at a time and focus on the good things. It calms me down, she says.

- Will fight until it no longer works

– Will fight until it no longer works

Furthermore, Kjos explains that he still has high hopes that something will work and that, against all odds, he may find a cure for incurable cancer.

– Right now I’m very happy to be so stubborn and determined. That’s all that matters. As we’ve always said since I got sick, we accept the diagnosis, but not the prognosis, he adds.

The next step, Kjos explains, will hopefully be able to participate in some kind of trial study abroad.

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In this way, Norwegians can save NOK 4.25 billion in interest costs.

In this way, Norwegians can save NOK 4.25 billion in interest costs.

– I will meet with a research team this week to review the opportunities. Everything will be game in the future, but I will try to keep my spirits as long as possible, says the 32-year-old.

- All life collapsed

– All life collapsed

When asked if he has prepared for the worst, he responds:

– I try not to think so much about that word, because then it will be very difficult. My cancer is incurable at the moment, but at the same time the research is moving very fast. I must continue to believe that there is a solution, otherwise I might just give up now.

As mentioned, Kjos has been through various chemotherapy and immunotherapy treatments, which she notes has not had such serious side effects.

INCURABLE: The influential people Elin Kjos had been bothered by the cough for a year and thought it was asthma and allergies. It turned out to be incurable lung cancer. Video: Expressen TV
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– Days when I only cry

– This means that I can still live quite normally and even exercise. Of course I feel more tired and weak than usual, but now I am quite used to it.

When it comes to psyche, Kjos can announce that it goes up and down all the time.

– Normally I am happy and positive, but of course I have days when I cry too. The heaviest days are usually when I’ve received treatment or think about how sick I really am, she says, adding:

Have frozen the ovary

Have frozen the ovary

– Even thinking that there may be no solution or cure terrifies me. Therefore, I try to focus more on hopeful and good thoughts.

The story of the Swedish Elin Kjos inspires thousands. She subsisted as a healthy exercise model on Instagram until March, when a tumor larger than 8 inches was found in her right lung. Kjos had had a bad cough for over a year, but never thought in that way that this could be something serious.

CANCER SHOCK: When Karsten Warholm stumbled upon Norwegian hearts with World Cup gold in London in 2017, his girlfriend Oda Djupvik had just completed her latest cancer treatment. Appears in the NRK series “Karsten and Leif”. Photo: NTB Scanpix
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The tumor and much of the lung were operated on, but the damage had already occurred. The cancer had spread and now she is fighting for her life.

More than 60,000 people follow the life of Elin Kjos on Instagram. As mentioned, it became known as training influences, which it still is. The illness has not made her shy away from the gym, on the contrary, it has almost given her more motivation.

You have lived with cancer for more than 30 years.

You have lived with cancer for more than 30 years.

That attitude also motivates fans, who share their photos under the hashtag “tränaförElin”. The idea is that “if Elin can train, I can do it and”.

SEE ALSO: Has response to cancer: – Strong
