Crown measurements on airplanes – You want the cabin crew to wear diapers


Most people don’t have to wear diapers after two years, but the Civil Aviation Authority of China is now passing on the idea of ​​introducing diaper use to its cabin crew.

Flight attendants in Chinese aviation may now be required to wear diapers as part of their work uniform, several international media outlets, including CNN, write.

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Infection control

A brochure from the Civil Aviation Authority of China (CAAC), with technical guidelines on infection control and prevention, recommends that cabin crew wear diapers to avoid going to the bathroom.

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The recommendation applies to all international routes to and from high-risk, highly infected countries.

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The document states that employees are advised to wear medical masks, medical gloves, goggles, disposable hats, protective clothing, and shoe covers.

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Wear diapers

And then comes the phrase that has made many people raise their eyebrows: “It is recommended that the cabin crew wear disposable diapers and avoid using the bathrooms without special circumstances, to avoid the risk of infection.”

Visits to the bathroom are a daily necessity, but they can pose a risk of infection if not done correctly. Coronavirus has been found in stool, and when pulled down after using the toilet, the sprays swirled with virus particles, writes

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In August, a woman who traveled from Italy to South Korea received coronavirus during the trip, and a visit to the bathroom, which was the only place where she did not wear a mask, was considered the source of the infection, writes CNN.
