Cross-country sport style change: – – Petter Northug fooled everyone


Five-mile world champion Hans Christer Holund believes there is a significant difference in the way cross-country skiers think and express themselves about their own training today, compared to how it was about ten years ago, in the era in the one Petter Northug completely dominated.

– It was a trend ten years ago where it was about doing as little exercise as possible, celebrating as much as possible and being a little low to be well. That’s what many expressed, but I think most people trained more than they said out loud, Holund tells Dagbladet.

– Unfortunately, you have to train a lot to be good at cross-country skiing. That was also the case ten years ago, but many probably expressed more that they were wild bass, according to the five-mile world champion in Seefeld.

NEW TIMES: Hans Christer Holund tells how the appearance of Norwegian cross-country skiing has changed in the last ten years. Photo: Hans Arne Vedlog / Dagbladet
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Holund believes Martin Johnsrud Sundby was the strongest player to reverse this culture, advocating more openness about what is really behind the results.

Sundby: – ​​The world was fooled by Petter

It was a conscious choice on Sundby’s part, in the wake of how then world number one Petter Northug was very good at communicating how much he slept and rested, where the extremely harsh training regimen of the Mosvik Express was not well communicated.

IT OPENS: Vidar Løfshus is one of those who has worked the most with Petter Northug throughout his career. Now he recounts the ups and downs they had together for 15 years in international cross-country skiing. Reporter / video: Øyvind Godø / Kristoffer Løkås
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– With all due respect to you, Petter. You were completely crude talking about how long you slept. But you weren’t that good at knowing how hard you trained. It gave many the impression that if they sleep a lot and are asked to exercise, they do well, Sundby told Northug during TV 2 “Landskampen.”

For Dagbladet, Therese Johaug says she recognizes herself in Sundby’s characteristics from all the years she was on the same national team as Northug.

– I think Petter was much more serious than many people thought. Lying on a couch does not make you a world champion. I’ve been on a team with Petter and I’ve seen how he’s trained and how serious and determined he was, Johaug tells Dagbladet.

THINK NORTHUG TALKED TO HIMSELF: Therese Johaug. Photo: Hans Arne Vedlog / Dagbladet
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– Neglected

The men’s team coach Eirik Myhr Nossum, who was Northug’s personal trainer for both seasons, agrees.

– Petter Northug training product has been neglected, Nossum tells Dagbladet and elaborates:

– There has always been talk of how good it is to sleep a lot and be in good shape. You cannot do the dotted form without having done a good job beforehand. Otherwise it might be in the form of points, but I have nothing to form points in illustrates.

FIRST DATE: Vidar Løfshus believes that Petter Northug still remembers what happened when they first met in 2004. Reporter / video: Øyvind Godø / Kristoffer Løkås
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Sundby made the same case against Northug himself on TV 2 “Landskampen.”

– Petter fooled a whole world. I think it was difficult for others to use Petter as a role model, because he has qualities that are completely unique, that go beyond everyone else in terms of circadian rhythm, ability to train hard, ability to kick back, chill and power up. Everyone should copy it, but I think it is impossible to copy it, Sundby said.

– Then I felt it had to be the contrast. I took on that role. So people have a chance to choose which path to take: either stay up at night, train in the morning, and train harder than everyone else in their own way, or do the creepy work all the time with structure and system, that I needed, he pointed out. world champion in 15 km classic in Seefeld.

You think the current trend is healthier

Holund is clear that the trend has now been reversed.

– We train a lot and we also express that we train a lot. I think it’s probably healthier to show how much is behind it, rather than hide it, the cross country profile tells Dagbladet.

ADVICE: When Petter Northug put the skis on the shelf in 2018, Vidar Løfshus tried to give him some advice. Northug’s reaction makes him laugh. Reporter / video: Øyvind Godø / Kristoffer Løkås
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– It was not good to train too much, it was the attitude of before. It was better to train fewer good hours. I think those who trained 100 hours a month said they trained 85 hours and spoke quietly, rather than showing everything behind it.

Nossum is also clear on this.

– There is even more training today than ten years ago. I see that all over Norway. If you bring the average hours to the top 60 at the National Championships, it is probably significantly higher than the top 60 at the National Championship ten years ago. The level is now higher than ten years ago, says the coach of the national team.

– Martin, Marit and Therese

In addition to Martin Johnsrud Sundby, Marit Bjørgen and Therese Johaug took the lead and showed how much they had trained to be the best.

– Martin, Marit and Therese helped reverse the trend and trained a lot. Petter also trained more than he expressed. I am absolutely sure of that, says Holund and has the support of Nossum.

– Martin, Marit and Therese helped reverse the trend, yes. Marit and Therese have always trained a lot. Martin was very central in the restructuring operation on the boys’ side. Mindset and doing absolutely everything you can to become the best. The hours of training are part of that cake, adds the coach of the national team.

Løfshus rejected on camera

Løfshus rejected on camera

  • Petter Northug has not responded to Dagbladet’s questions.

Learned from ski girls

Sundby had previously told Dagbladet that he was inspired by Bjørgen and literally copied the training schedule of the Olympic queen from Rognes.

Northug in the same crisis as Bjørgen - shares his innermost thoughts

Northug in the same crisis as Bjørgen – shares his innermost thoughts

– Therese and Marit came out early with a very high amount of training of over 1000 hours a year and were devastated. I also wanted to try it. Over time, I have taken this to a level that is even more hours than them, but then I am a child and have slightly different physical conditions. But I looked at the girls a lot in the first place, Sundby told Dagbladet.

– At first, I started seeing Marit, after the 2010 Olympic season. There were such big technical changes in the way she skied that I was very fascinated and curious to know what had happened in the last eight to nine months.

Sundby reveals: This is how they managed to squeeze Bjørndalen and company.

Sundby reveals: This is how they managed to squeeze Bjørndalen and company.

– Then I started doing the same as Marit. He was not innovative at the time and wanted to copy the scheme with which Marit was successful. Then I started working with the same people who had helped Marit. After that, he stepped up testing what can develop new methods. Then I went completely “cow-cow” in my head after finding new grips. But it all started with Marit.
