County Leader Willing To Cede A Secure Parliamentary Seat To Barth Eide – VG


SACRIFYING: Oslo County Leader Frode Jacobsen is willing to give up his safe place on the Storting list in favor of former Minister Espen Barth Eide. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB

Oslo Labor Party leader Frode Jacobsen will yield third place on the nomination list to Espen Barth Eide, if the nominating committee so wishes. Barth Eide confirms that he will accept the spot.

Oslo AP leader Frode Jacobsen writes on Facebook that he is willing to give up third place on the Oslo AP nomination list and give it to Espen Barth Eide.

– So if you can help the party and the nominating committee come up with a unifying solution, with Espen in third place and me in fifth place, I am ready to do so. I think fifth place is a safe place. We must have the threat that a united and strong Oslo Labor Party may have at least five permanent representatives, writes Jacobsen.

Former Foreign and Defense Minister Barth Eide was surprisingly left out of supposedly safe places on the Oslo Labor Party nomination list.

The county team currently has four MPs and Barth Eide was offered fifth place. He said no to this because it was not a safe place.

– I will work very hard to get as many candidates as possible, but as it seems now, unfortunately 5th place is not a safe place so I decided to withdraw, Barth Eide told VG at the time.

– Inspire

For NTB, Barth Eide confirms that he accepts third place if it is offered to him.

He says he’s happy that Jacobsen took a step to help resolve the situation.

– I am very inspired to carry out a directed election campaign together with Frode and others, says Barth Eide to NTB.

Today he is the first vice-chairman of the Storting’s Energy and Environment Commission.

PARLIAMENT REPRESENTATIVE: Espen Barth Eide is today one of four from the Labor Party elected to the Storting in Oslo. Photo: Tore Kristiansen

Ultimately, however, it is up to the nominating committee to decide who gets what spot on the list.

As of now, the list proposal has been sent to the party’s teams and the AUF, which has until November 16 to give its opinion on the committee’s proposal.

The leader of the Oslo Labor Party nominating committee, Tone Tellevik Dahl, tells VG that they take note of the county leader’s remarks.

– We record what you can offer, then we take it with us along with the input we receive from local teams. Now the case is with them, he says.

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