Coronavirus, symptoms | Do your toes look like this? Then you should take the crown test


It may be the only symptom for many people with a mild corona infection.

The spread of the infection increases again drastically and much of the infection occurs in secret. National Institute of Public Health department director Line Vold says they believe they detect fewer of the infected than before:

– We now estimate that we detect about 40 percent of the infections we have in society, Vold tells NRK.

That’s a decrease of about 66 percent a couple of months ago.

Also read: If this mouthpiece theory is correct, we can get more corona infections without symptoms

The little-spoken symptom

One of the less talked about symptoms of a mild course of coronary infection is what has been called covid-toe. This is a skin infection that dermatologists often call the pernio or chilblains.

Typical symptoms are itchy and painful red bumps on the skin of the toes, hands, ears, and nose. Swelling, a burning sensation on the skin and blue discoloration are common, writes the Oslo dermatologist about the condition.

The World Health Organization analyzes the phenomenon in broader terms: Skin rash or discoloration of the fingers or toes.

It is not clear exactly why the condition may appear alongside covid-19, but it was clear early on that quite a few people who were infected with the disease had this problem.

One possible explanation is that covid-19 is not really a respiratory disease, but rather a disease that spreads through the blood and attacks many organs in the body. It especially settles where there are narrow blood vessels and thin membranes. The lungs are one of the most obvious places, but the toes are too.

Pernio is probably caused by an inflammation of the blood vessels. Therefore, it can be logically related to the fact that cataracts, which are an inflammation of the mucous membrane, are also a symptom.

Also read: Reject other studies: – Antibodies do not disappear quickly after coronary heart disease

Lasts for a week, but can be a long-term symptom

NBC News reports that statistics for International Registry of Dermatology COVID-19 shows that skin symptoms last an average of twelve days and that there is no treatment for them.

However, it has also been reported that this can be a symptom of those suffering from prolonged illness after corona infection.

“When we started looking at the duration of symptoms, we saw that some people had symptoms that lasted a long time,” Dr. Esther Freeman, director of Global Health Dermatology at Massachusetts General Hospital, told NBC News.

– Specifically, we saw that chilblains could last more than 60 days, he says.

Two patients are said to have had toe problems for 130 and 150 days, respectively.

– They have had swollen toes, discoloration and pain for several months.

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These are the most common symptoms.

Norwegian Health Informatics (NHI) has gradually developed a comprehensive list of common and less common corona symptoms:

– At first, the symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to those generally seen with the flu and colds. Many people experience the illness as a mild cold, he writes FHI and lists:

  • Dry cough / mild cough
  • Fatigue or exhaustion
  • Fever
  • Tung pust
  • Muscle pain

Other symptoms that you may also experience are:

  • Slimhoste
  • Bloody coughed up mucus
  • Freezing
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Freezing
  • Sore throat
  • Rhinorrhea
  • Uvelhet
  • Nausea and possible vomiting.
  • Abdominal pain and in some cases diarrhea.
  • Impaired sense of taste and smell
  • Ocular catarrh
  • Skin rash or discoloration of the fingers or toes
  • Covid-19 can also cause symptoms reminiscent of a stroke
  • Older people with covid-19 can also experience symptoms such as:
  • Acute cognitive impairment and altered emotions and behaviors (delirium)
  • Confusion
  • Downward trend
  • Decreased appetite and weight loss.

After a week, most show signs of improvement.

Also read: The government with new measures to stop the infection at home
