Coronavirus, National Institute of Public Health | FHI with strong warning:


– The community must prepare to combat local outbreaks during the fall.

Follow the press conference live from 2.30 pm in the video window at the top.

OSLO (Nettavisen): – Pay attention, ask more. It is important at a time when many feel stress and anxiety and many yearn to return to everyday life, began Health Minister Bent Høie and recalled World Mental Health Day.

– I wish I could say it’s over soon, but I can’t. Today, 200 new infections are reported. We must live with infections, infection advice and unpredictability. That is why we must make it as livable as possible for each other, Høie continued.

Visits to institutions

– Many older people and people with chronic disorders are severely affected by both the pandemic and the measures, began health director Bjørn Guldvog. He spoke of residents of institutions denied visits during the pandemic.

Although municipalities do it in the best sense and it is important to prevent infection from entering institutions, Guldvog says visits should be arranged.

– Those who live in institutions need visits and social contact. It is not difficult to understand that it hurts not to be visited by loved ones. Residents have the right to be visited. It’s a demanding balancing act, Guldvog said.

Warns in new NIPH report

In its latest risk report, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health asks the Norwegian population not to rest on their laurels, because the corona pandemic is far from over.

Two main points stand out in the recent risk report:

* There is a high risk of exacerbation of the infection locally. The whole community should prepare for local sprouts in the fall.

* There is a moderate risk of local outbreaks becoming regional transmission and a new national wave of infections.

– Can get out of control

FHI says mass infection incidents are driving the pandemic and fear more such incidents could have significant consequences.

– Several mass infection events in a row can cause the epidemic to spiral out of control. Therefore, preventing such incidents will have a major impact on the epidemic, according to the risk report.

Click the pic to enlarge.  The department director of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health Line Vold during Wednesday's press conference on the status of the crown.  Now FHI warns of autumn.

The department director of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health Line Vold during Wednesday’s press conference on the status of the crown. Now FHI warns of autumn.
Photo: Jil Yngland (NTB)

– The risk of covert spread and massive infection events makes risk assessments uncertain. If young adults become infected in social settings, large outbreaks can develop, he continues.

Small part

According to FHI, only a small proportion of people keep the virus “alive”.

– It may be that 80 percent of the spread of infection occurs only between 10 and 20 percent of those infected, in many cases as part of massive infection events, they write.

However, they praise the work of the municipality and state that many municipalities have done a great job.

ALWAYS UPDATED: Latest news on corona pandemic in Nettavisen news studio

– Many municipalities have shown that local outbreaks can be quelled in a few weeks, says in the risk report.

FHI states that the R-number (reproduction number) “lies and slopes” above and just below 1, meaning that each patient on average infects each other.

In the report, FHI advocates, among other things, for rapid testing and more comprehensive infection screening than has been done so far.

23 corona patients in the hospital

On Friday, there were 23 corona patients in Norwegian hospitals, one of them in the intensive care unit, according to figures from the Norwegian Health Directorate. The average for this week is 24 patients.

Also read: 208 new confirmed coronary cases in the last 24 hours

Also read: Highest infection rate in Bærum since April

Most coronary patients are hospitalized in the Health South-East healthcare region, which has 15 of these patients, followed by Health West with four coronary patients, Health Central Norway with three and Health North with one coronary patient, reports NTB.

Oslo University Hospital, Ahus and Helse Bergen are the health trusts where the majority of crown patients enter, with four, three and three patients, respectively, according to the abstract.

At midnight on Friday night, 15,220 people infected with corona were registered in this country. This is an increase of 208 cases reported in the last 24 hours. The increase is slightly less than the previous day, when 229 new cases were registered.

Read also: Positive coronal test at the arrival center in Råde

– Too early to conclude on Oslo

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health is particularly aware of the infection rates in Oslo. The situation there has been stable in recent weeks.

– It is too early to conclude anything about the effect of the measures in Oslo, the director of the Line Vold department at the National Institute of Public Health said on Wednesday.

Many more tests are now being done than in March / April, and more have been tested multiple times. Thus, now more cases of infection are detected than in spring.

– Extensive testing and infection monitoring means that we detect several cases with a mild course. The infection in recent weeks has occurred mainly in younger people at low risk of a severe course. Follow-up data shows a low incidence of severe outcomes, Vold says.

On Thursday, 69 new cases of infection were reported in Oslo, a decrease at the site on Wednesday. The number of infected in the capital in the last 14 days is 662. The district with the highest infection pressure is St. Hanshaugen. Here are 146.4 cases of infection per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days.

See table: Infection rates in Oslo
