Coronavirus, covid-19 | New videos create anger in Sweden:


Sports and culture enthusiasts react after videos of the parties go online.

This weekend, several nightclubs in Stockholm’s Stureplan party district were reopened after they closed due to the coronavirus.

Now he has started circulating nightclub videos on social media, creating resentment to say the least. In fact, he’s around very happy partying people shown in the videos.

– It doesn’t seem that the same rules apply to everyone, writes Västmanlands Teater actor and theater director Niklas Hjulström on Facebook.

Also read: The pressure of infection is almost six times higher in a place: where do you need to be quarantined to travel?

Only 50 in cultural and sporting events

Earlier, it became clear that the Swedish authorities are postponing the decision to increase the audience limit to 500 people at sporting and cultural events, Expressen writes.

This means that there cannot be more than 50 people at these events yet.

Watch the video of one of the clubs here:

Hockey player Sofia Reidenborn yells at the parties and the Swedish government on Twitter.

– When will all the hockey and sports fans line up for a demonstration at Sergel? Our sports teams are on the decline, while influencers celebrate at Spy Bar like nothing happened. Why are you world champions at being brains, the Social Democrats and Amanda Lind? writes Reidenborn on Twitter.

Rebuilt the discos

Linda Aftlund, a marketing manager for the Stureplan group, told Aftonbladet on Saturday that they had built nightclubs to ensure social distance.

– The place is adapted and furnished so that guests can stay at a safe distance, he told the newspaper.

Initially, there should also be table service in nightclubs, and only as many people as possible should be allowed into tables.

Maria Rotzen Östlund, an infection control physician in the Stockholm region, tells Expressen that she cannot comment on specific activities, but emphasizes that everyone must avoid queues and congestion to stop the spread of infection.

Read more: WHO delivers advice on crown closure

– With the growing infection that we now see in Stockholm, I want to emphatically recall both our own responsibility as individuals, and the responsibility of companies to ensure that congestion and queues do not occur, he tells the newspaper.

Relief in Norway

When the corona pandemic hit completely in Scandinavia, Norway and Sweden chose two different methods to limit the infection. Where Norway was strict and closed parts of the country, most of it was open in our neighboring country.

On Monday, October 12, several updates will be introduced in the infection control rules in this country. Then you can, among other things, hold outdoor events with up to 600 people at the same time, divided into groups of up to 200 people.

The national ban on alcoholic beverages is also being lifted, except in Oslo, where there has recently been an increase in infection. In the capital, it is also mandatory to wear a mask when driving on public transport.
