Corona – Survived September 11


NEW YORK (Dagbladet): – Big understatement, New York attorney Michael Barasch recently told Newsday.

He then received confirmation that 22 of the 15,000 rescuers and survivors he represents after the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, had died from covid-19.

He now believes that five times as many 2001 rescue teams have died in this year’s pandemic.

More emergency calls than September 11

More emergency calls than September 11

– More than 100

“Of these, more than 100 have died from covid-19 because they have ground zero-related illnesses,” Barasch spokesman Patrick Rheaume said in a statement to NBC News on the 19th anniversary of the attack.

68 different forms of cancer and dozens of forms of respiratory problems have been recorded among rescue teams who were in the area around ground zero 19 years ago.

“It makes them especially vulnerable to a disease that attacks the lungs and the immune system,” says Rheaume.

As of August 21, more than 1,400 survivors of September 11 had been infected with the coronavirus. 191 of them ended up in hospital and 44 lost their lives, according to the World Trade Center Health Program.

The City writes that the program includes 79,000 rescue teams and 26,000 survivors, who were at ground zero, and that they also believe the actual death toll from the virus is significantly higher.

2,977 people died in the terrorist attack 19 years ago. So far this year, more than 197,000 Americans have lost their lives to the coronavirus.

MET: Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden greeted Republican Vice President Mike Pence during the September 11 commemoration in New York on Friday. Photo: AP Photo / John Minchillo
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– I never experienced anything like this

John Feal lost parts of his left foot when a four-ton steel bar fell on his foot in ground zero. He runs the Fealgood Foundation, which speaks for rescue teams.

– In March we published a video in which we asked people to take this seriously, and a week later I got a crown. “I still don’t know how I got it, but I know I’ve never experienced similar pain before,” Feal told NBC News.

He describes a feeling that his body was on fire at the same time that it was so difficult to breathe that he felt like he was about to drown.

– I am not so easily scared, but this scared me, says Feal.

U.S: President Donald Trump is asked why he is lying to the American people. Video: The White House
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Mad at trump

It has only been a few days since the statements of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, to journalist Bob Woodward about the pandemic, upset many. The president is accused of deliberately lying to the American people and playing down seriousness, while at the same time admitting to Woodward as early as February that he knew it was a serious and highly contagious disease.

9/11 Victim Identified 18 Years Later

9/11 Victim Identified 18 Years Later

On Friday, the president attended a 9/11 celebration in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, in which Flight 93 crashed. Trump himself continues to brag about the “fantastic” job he and the administration have done.

I PENNSYLVANIA: US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump visited the September 11, 2001 memorial in Pennsylvania on Friday. photo: REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst
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Feal disagrees. He saw Trump on television on Friday and couldn’t help but throw balls of paper angrily at the TV screen.

– The response to the pandemic by the federal authorities has been a disaster, absolutely horrible. All of this is bragging about the great work we are doing with the pandemic, while at the same time normalizing people who die. We lose contact with the human. We have failed. And I’m not the only one who thinks that, Feal tells NBC. News.

SPEAKER SHOCK: Donald Trump poked fun at the collapse of Hillary Clinton during the September 11 ceremony during the 2016 election campaign. – We need perseverance and energy, he said later. Video: CNN
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