Corona Infected Trump Lawyers – Infected After Tour:


On Sunday, it emerged that lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who has spearheaded Donald Trump’s fight to disapprove of the presidential election, was shown covid-19.

It has long been established that Joe Biden will be installed as the 46th President of the United States in January. However, Trump and Giuliani continue to claim that electoral fraud was committed and that the election was stolen.

In connection with demands to change the election result, Giuliani went on a “voter fraud tour” last week.

Rudy Giuliani infected with crown

Rudy Giuliani infected with crown


The “voter fraud tour” began in Arizona on Monday of last week. Several Republicans gathered here to hear witnesses who Giuliani said had observed voter fraud in the state.

The next day, he had a private meeting with the Republican Party in Arizona. Here he and his colleague Jenna Ellis are pictured with ten Republicans, where no one wears a face mask.

The attorneys then traveled to Michigan to attend a Senate hearing, which lasted more than four hours. They weren’t wearing masks here either.

IN MICHIGAN: Here, Rudy Giualiani and Jenna Ellis are photographed from the meeting in Michigan.  Now both are infected by corona.  Photo: Mike Mulholland / AP / NTB

I MICHIGAN: Here, Rudy Giualiani and Jenna Ellis are photographed from the meeting in Michigan. Now both are infected by corona. Photo: Mike Mulholland / AP / NTB
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Giuliani was in Georgia Thursday to attend a Senate hearing on the elections.

Sen. Elena Parent, who attended the meeting, later said that “the risk of covid for Giuliani and his team, who have traveled the country without a mask, was high” and that they “purposely put us in danger to help Trump. “. .

Three days later, the corona infection was a fact.

Rejected with a phrase

Rejected with a phrase

– incomprehensible

On Tuesday it emerged that Jenna Ellis was also infected with the virus. He was with Giuliani at several of the events last week. On Friday, he also attended a Christmas party with members of Trump’s staff.

– This is a parody and completely incomprehensible. They get what they deserve, Professor Steinar Westin in social medicine at NTNU tells Dagbladet.

– The risk of infection is obvious. But they have posted the message from Trump that this virus is nothing special. They get what they deserve.

SWEAT RUNS: Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, sweated so much at the press conference that he overflowed on social media. Video: AP
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She is supported by Professor Rebecca Cox, who runs the influenza center at the University of Bergen and works at Haukeland University Hospital.

– It is very unfortunate that they do not follow the infection control rules and that they may have infected other people. The president and his lawyers could be good examples to prevent further spread of the infection.

Cox points out that until many people have been vaccinated, distance, hand washing, and bandaging are the only measures we have.

What sign does it give that two of Trump’s attorneys are not following infection control rules?

– They say that it is not important to follow the infection control advice from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It is a serious failure in a country so battered.

Texas is suing multiple states

Texas is suing multiple states

– Scary

At the same time as the infection spreads in Trump’s circle, the United States is experiencing the greatest infection pressure yet in the pandemic. The Guardian writes that more than 15,000 crown-related deaths were recorded in the last week. According to Reuters, new daily spikes of infection were recorded in Arizona, Alabama and Ohio, among other places.

– This is a picture of mismanagement and shows that Americans live in two realities. It is dangerous to have a society so divided that reason is no longer taken seriously. It is sad to see that the country that should have had the best conditions in the world to cope with the pandemic has made it worse, says Professor Steinar Westin.

GO VIRAL: Melissa Carone has been described as a “star witness” by both Donald Trump and Rudy Guiliani. Now they are ridiculing her. Video: Michigan State House. Reporter: Elias Kr. Zahl-Pettersen
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It is the dramatically widening social differences in the last ten years that have created fertile ground for the contagious situation they have now, the professor believes. The United States has created a situation where people no longer believe in others, Westin notes, noting that trust in authorities has been crucial to fighting the virus here at home.

– What is happening in the United States now is chilling. How long will the hospitals continue to operate? Many people in their 40s and 50s have died. When the virus affects so many, it is also young people without underlying diseases who die. This is not a joke. That they manage to neglect this to the point is sad.

Rage Against the Sick Rudy: - Death Threat

Rage Against the Sick Rudy: – Death Threat

– Willful negligence

This is not the first time there has been an infection in Trump’s camp. Earlier this year, Donald Trump, First Lady Melania, and several others in the White House were infected.

The fact that nearly all of Trump’s tenant has contracted the virus symbolizes the administration’s abandonment of the pandemic. There has been a deliberate neglect of the pandemic both politically and personally in the Trump administration from the beginning, researcher Hilmar Mjelde from the Norwegian Research Center (NORCE) tells Dagbladet.

– The Trump administration’s handling of the pandemic has been catastrophic. Just compare the situation in the United States and Germany, which are federal states. America didn’t need to be hit so hard.

Republicans shut it up

Republicans shut it up

Unlike his future predecessor, Joe Biden has been offensive against the coronavirus. He has grappled with the use of face masks and has assembled a separate team that will work on handling the crown when he takes office next year.

– Biden has no executive power until he actually takes office. But in practice, it has taken over much of the public communication about infection control. Trump’s priority is to reverse the election result he lost, says Mjelde.

Only 27 Republicans recognize Biden

Only 27 Republicans recognize Biden

Offensive stance

The researcher also notes that Vice President Mike Pence has to some extent replaced Trump in handling the pandemic.

– We will see a completely different offensive attitude than the federal state and internationally when Biden takes command. Only the federal state can coordinate the national response, but Trump has left the pandemic to the states, to a large extent.

Biden’s handling of the pandemic will have a lot to say about his political room for maneuver over the next two years, Mjelde believes.

– Crises can give or take away from presidents their political capital. Presidents who don’t handle crises often never come back, he says.
