Controversy over housing monitoring – VG


The police security service (PST) believes that the threatening defendant Laila Bertheussen refused to monitor the exterior of the house on Røa in Oslo and the interior of the car. She thinks it’s a lie.

The current request for a very thorough follow-up came just days after another threatening incident against the then Justice Minister, on the night of February 11 last year.

The prosecution believes that Laila Bertheussen is also behind this incident: according to the indictment, she filled plastic bottles with gasoline and tied them to the back of the car, before driving to the family home.

She denies being guilty of all the charges in the indictment.

– In order to be in a position to arrest one or more perpetrators in a future incident, we wanted to strengthen control around the house. We then worked out a plan to install hidden camera solutions that would cover the parcel and masses of exterior buildings from all angles, explained investigation leader Kim Ruderaas Sæter at PST in court.

The head of the investigation also claimed that the security service wanted a hidden camera in the family’s car, GPS tracking of the vehicle, as well as reconnaissance. In addition, PST would monitor the highway axis outside the site and monitor it directly.

ACTOR AND INVESTIGATOR: Here are Prosecutor Marit Formo and Head of Investigation Kim Ruderaas Sæter at the Police Security Service (PST) in room 250 of the Oslo District Court. Photo: NTB / SCANPIX

– We depended on consent

In a petition from the Oslo District Court, the PST confirmed the surveillance abroad of the Wara and Bertheussen plot.

However, it should be a lengthy process to obtain Wara and Bertheussen’s consent for the desired surveillance on the plot and the family car, according to the head of the investigation.

– We depended on the consent of Wara and Bertheussen, who were offended in the case at this time. A colleague from the PST contacted Wara, who was to present the question to Bertheussen. I would not take a position on such consent without consulting with him, Sæter explained.

– It had been a lot for her lately. Among other things, she had had her hand operated a short time before.

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Denied information about the private security system

PST also wanted to obtain data material from the security system that was installed in the home, but Bertheussen did not want to give access to the material to the security service, according to the head of the investigation.

– I met Wara again at the Ministry of Justice a few days later. He then explained that Laila would not allow us to initiate any of the measures that included her housing. The result of this was that we only had the opportunity to film a public road outside the house and filter the house with a black square, Sæter explained.

– He explained that he had been in dialogue with Wara about security measures, where he said that Bertheussen had to give his consent. Your impression of how Wara herself reacted? asks prosecutor Frederik G. Ranke.

– I think it is difficult to have a concrete opinion on this. He briefly explained that they had to agree to this. It’s hard to answer, says Sæter.

Bertheussen denies the information that she refused to fully monitor the home. She thinks it’s wrong that PST asked for this and says she has double-checked with Wara today.

– But I didn’t want a camera in my car, he said in court, after the investigation leader diploma was completed.

Various hypotheses

During his explanation in court, the head of the investigation went through all the incidents of the prosecution to a higher level.

Additionally, Sæter described extensive research over time, including obtaining and analyzing data material from base stations, toll passes, and surveillance cameras near Wara’s home.

In the initial phase of the investigation of the first incident, on December 6, 2018, the police envisioned four possible hypotheses about who was behind it and with a possible motive:

  1. The action is performed by one or more people associated with the work Ways of seeing.
  2. The action is performed by one or more people inspired by the work.
  3. The action is carried out by one or more people who want the police to focus on the work.
  4. The action has no connection with the work.

The head of the investigation also explained that it was purely analytical to have several incidents in the case, since the police could then collate the information between the different episodes.

– But it requires the same perpetrator to be behind this, Sæter explained.

The police have also carried out a series of forensic investigations into the case, script analysis and tactical investigation.

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