Conservative press chief at war of words with Labor profile


It was on Friday that Husabø Fossen wrote the following Twitter:

“This summer, the Labor Party and Ingvild Kjerkol thought the government was too strict on people’s travel to the south. In retrospect, world relief is an exercise, but of course the privilege of the opposition.”

In the Twitter post, Husabø Fossen attached a screenshot of a GV case from June in which Labor Party health and care policy spokesperson Ingvild Kjerkol criticized the government for its travel advice.

“Completely fraudulent”

The reactions to the speech of the conservative press officer have not been long in coming. Several criticize Husabø Fossen for attributing to Kjerkol views that she does not have.

You are completely dishonest. We wanted to say and still believe exactly the opposite. Greater predictability for families, which we demand, would have given stricter restrictions on travel to the south, ”Kjerkol responds. Twitter.

Husabø Fossen seems to take criticism well.

– Keeping quiet about the left on Twitter is part of the job description as a press manager in the Conservative Party, so I live very well with that, he tells VG.

– Says “gossip”

Kjerkol tells the same newspaper that Husabø Fossen tells “gossip” about her.

– It does not work as Husabø Fossen invents what I mean, I also have to deny it. I was in several discussions with Bent Høie (H) this summer and advocated for a travel tip during joint vacations. The Health Minister thought this was too strict, he tells VG.

Husabø Fossen previously worked as a political journalist for NRK. He was also a period presenter at Dagsrevyen. This fall, he announced a transition to the Conservative Party.
