Color Line will reduce costs – 300 man-years will disappear – E24


Color Line announces that they will reduce costs by 250 million starting next year.



In a statement Friday morning, Color Line writes that the company will carry out a major restructuring to ensure greater profitability and efficiency.

Color Line writes that the aim of the restructuring is to reduce the cost base by around NOK 250 million, and it is expected to have an effect from 2021, and is expected to cost around NOK 50 million.

As part of the restructuring, Color Line will reduce the number of employees by approximately 300 man-years, and this will affect both work on land and on ships. In addition, steps will be taken to reduce other operating costs, including by utilizing the significant investments in new technology that Color Line has made in recent years, the company writes.

– The plans will ensure future jobs and profitability, says CEO Trond Kleivdal at Color Line in a press release.

Kleivdal further states that the company wants to ‘use as many voluntary schemes as possible in relation to
staff reduction “.
