Closed completely for more than 100 days – no new cases of infection – VG


For the second day in a row, there were no new cases of coronary heart disease in Melbourne, Australia on Tuesday. The big city is about to open after a long closure.

The last time two days in a row without new cases was in March. In August, it peaked with more than 700 infections per day in Melbourne and the rest of the state of Victoria. There are currently 87 active cases of covid-19.

At midnight on Wednesday night, many of the strict restrictions are lifted. Bars, restaurants and shops may reopen. Visiting is also allowed, but is not allowed with more than two adult guests. And neither adults nor children can travel more than 25 kilometers from home.

In Australia, the state of Victoria, with Australia’s second-largest city Melbourne, has clearly been the hardest hit by the coronavirus.

Melbourne entered its second shutdown in July, with travel restrictions, bar and restaurant closures and the announcement that one should stay home.

The shutdown has lasted more than 100 days.

In addition to this, local authorities declared a state of disaster in Melbourne in August.

A curfew was then introduced between 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. and residents were not allowed to go more than three miles from their homes. The stricter measures were relaxed from the end of September.

The closure has been controversial, as one of the most severe in the world.

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