Clear message for Northug


Swedish cross-country star Frida Karlsson (21) has decided: She doesn’t want to break up with Petter Northug (34).

Karlsson is sponsored by the Northug eyewear brand.

– I have said that he will do what he can to find happiness and have a good time, says the 21-year-old to the Swedish telegram agency TT.

On August 13, Northug drove more than 200 kilometers per hour home from a ski school in Trysil, where he had been an instructor. Ten grams of cocaine were found in the ski star’s Oslo apartment.

SPOKEN: Petter Northug spoke up after the cocaine scandal. See the full press conference here.
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At a press conference on August 21, the former ski king made it clear that he needed help. After retiring, he has developed a troubled relationship with drugs and an unhealthy capital life.

But Karlsson wants to be faithful.

– We have had contact all the time, and I have decided that I will continue the collaboration with the Northug brand. It feels good. We have had a good and close collaboration, he tells TT, reproduced in Svenska Dagbladet, among others.

It was first suggested that the Trøndelag resident had been going insane while intoxicated. It later turned out that this was not the case, which became crucial for Karlsson.

HEAVY TIME: Petter Northug is impressed by Frida Karlsson’s return from difficult times and says it touches him. Video: TV 2
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– It was important to me that he was clean when he got in the car. It influenced my decision.

The ski profile elaborates:

– Petter is just a human being like everyone else. Anyone can make mistakes. He drove too fast and had trouble finding the right way after giving up. He needs help. And he’s thinking of accepting that help. As a friend, I just want to support him.

Northug’s investigation is also in the final phase.

TALK: Petter Northug’s father speaks in an interview with See and Hear.
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It was measured at 168 kilometers per hour in zone 110 of the E6. At the press conference, she admitted that cocaine had been found at her home and that she had driven more than 200 kilometers per hour. Besides, she had filmed it.

One-X was the first to announce a breakup after the relationship became known. Other partners like the Norwegian Ski Association and the XXL sports equipment chain say they will spend time assessing the situation.

So they searched the apartment

So they searched the apartment

Halfvarsson Street, for its part, made it clear earlier that the collaboration with Northug will continue.

– It is better to help, he concludes.

Father John Northug says the son did not cope with the transition from sports star to civilian life:

– Petter is a nice boy, but he hasn’t mastered the difficult transition from an active career to life well, he tells Se og Hør.
