Chris Wallace: – TV star rages against Trump


During the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden in September, there were strong reactions. The debate was rated as the worst television debate in history and was marked by interruptions and personal attacks.

Something that also generated reactions was the lack of use of face masks of the Trump family that were present in the room. Due to the corona pandemic, the public had to wear it throughout the debate. The Trump family wore face masks when they entered the room, but they removed them during the debate. A few days after the session, Trump announced that he and first lady Melania Trump had been infected with covid-19.

– I was pissed off

The moderator of the debate, Chris Wallace, is now furious at the lack of use of face masks by the family. In an interview with the Washington Post, the Fox News anchor says he was outraged when he learned that the Trump family removed their bandages during the debate. Wallace says he didn’t know the family didn’t wear masks until after the debate.

– After I had a chance to think about it, I got pissed off. Did you think that the rules that should apply to everyone didn’t apply to them? It upset me when it turned out that he had been on stage in a unique and vulnerable position, and 48 hours later we discovered that the president had tested positive for the coronavirus, says Wallace.

Also, continue.

– Everyone except the three on stage must wear a mask. The first family came in with a mask, took it off, and sat there.

MEETING: At tonight’s election rally in Florida, President Donald Trump came up with shocking new statements. Reporter: Trym Mogen. Video: Lars E claim Bones
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– Forget about politics

On the day Trump was infected with COVID-19, Wallace reached out with a prayer to the American people, writes Business Insider.

– Put on the damn mask and follow the science.

He also said that the crown situation is not about politics.

– If I can say one thing to those who watch, forget about politics. This is a health crisis.

– Daddy issues

In the interview, Chris Wallace goes against Trump and says that the president has “paternal problems”, on the Norwegian paternal complex. Wallace’s father was the famous newscaster Mike Wallace. When asked how his father would react to the situation in America, Wallace replies that his father would not believe it.

– For whatever reason, the president thinks he might annoy me when he says “Chris Wallace is not Mike Wallace.” My answer is: one of us has a father complex and it is not me.

This happens if Trump wins

This happens if Trump wins

– polarized

During the interview with the Washington Post, Wallace is also asked what is wrong with the United States, which means that they do not experience a similar unity, as after World War II.

– We are a much more polarized country than we were in 1945. We have two types of people in this country. And sadly, it has gotten mixed up with the way we handle a virus. You may be the most liberal person in Massachusetts and the most conservative person in Arizona. You are just as vulnerable to covid-19. So what you think about the world has nothing to do with how you protect yourself and, most importantly; to protect other people.
