China, coronavirus | China’s new virus propaganda: makes opera about heroes in Wuhan


The Chinese authorities arrested and punished the whistleblowers about the coronavirus. They are now holding an opera performance of the heroic effort in Wuhan.

– Every time things go wrong in China, the authorities use large doses of propaganda to rewrite history, says China expert Torbjørn Færøvik.

In a new attempt to show how good China was, the authorities produced both opera performances and documentary series about the “heroes of Wuhan.”

Check out the video on the top of the box.

Read more: New report: China removed evidence to seize vital equipment

Punish those who ask questions

The first case of infection occurred in the city of Wuhan on November 17, almost a year ago. But it took more than a month and a half before Chinese authorities closed the market in Wuhan where wild animals were sold.

The authorities have already been massacred for not sharing information with the world and for reacting slowly. An investigative report claimed that if China had responded three weeks earlier, it would have reduced the number of infections by 95 percent.

Chinese doctor Li Wenliang became world famous after being one of the first to warn about the coronavirus. He was met with a tough police force from the Chinese authorities. He was detained by local police and charged with spreading rumors and false information while warning friends and acquaintances about the new virus.

Read more: Erik Solheim shuts up for spreading Chinese propaganda: this is how he responds

Klikk på bildet for å forstørre.  This image from the video shows a selfie of Dr. Li Wenliang.  The Chinese doctor who got into trouble with authorities in the communist country for sounding an early warning about the coronavirus outbreak died on Friday, February 7, 2020, after contracting the disease.  Wuhan Central Hospital said on its social media account that Dr. Li, a 34-year-old ophthalmologist, was

WARNINGS: Li Wenliang raised the alarm about the new virus. Then the police arrived and accused him of spreading rumors and false information. He died on February 7 from the coronavirus.
Photo: (AP)

But instead of a self-examination of the handling, and not least of the information shared with the WHO and the rest of the world, the Chinese have become more concerned with propaganda to shape their own image.

As early as March, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian launched an attack on US troops for bringing the virus to Wuhan.

– It may be the United States Army that brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be open and present your data. The United States owes us an explanation, he wrote on Twitter.

The same spokesman also spent a lot of time praising the heroic efforts of the Chinese government, and especially Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Also read: New images of Wuhan crown cause great concern: – The Chinese tragedy is much greater

Documentary series

Now the Chinese authorities have taken a whole new step, creating opera performances and documentary series about the heroic efforts in Wuhan.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Opera 'Angel Diary' performed in Wuhan WUHAN, CHINA - OCTOBER 18:

AUDIENCE: The opera “The Angel Diary” has been performed in Wuhan to show the heroic efforts of the authorities.
Photo: Getty Images

In one show, it shows a hospital manager giving an engaging speech to all employees when they have to close down town. Then they go straight to April, where the virus was under control. Doctors remove their masks and smile at the camera.

At all times, the orders and instructions of President Xi Jinping are reported, to show that he was right. In reality, he was not present during the first weeks of the outbreak.

All the journalists who came out with the truth early are not mentioned at all. Many of them are still missing.

Also read: Strong warning against praising China: – They are not angels

The propaganda will work

Torbjørn Færøvik has written several books on China. He believes it is important for authorities to make their own story about what really happened.

– It is very likely that many more people died than the official figures. We also know that in the population there has been a lot of anger directed at the regime for the measures that were implemented and the lack of leadership in the first phase, says Færøvik.

The grip of documentary series and opera performances falls into a series for the Chinese authorities, who actively use a lot of propaganda in the face of crises.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Torbjørn Færøvik

KNOWLEDGE OF CHINA: Author Thorbjørn Færøvik knows China well and believes that the Chinese always try to rewrite history when things go wrong for the authorities.
Photo: child, Heiko

– The authorities have full control over all the media. They can run their own story without hindrance. They have been doing this since 1949. Every time things go wrong in China, and they have done so many times, they have tried to smear with large doses of propaganda and rewrite history, explains Færøvik.

– Will this propaganda work?

– Yes, in part. China is a very large and complex country. For many of those far from the epicenter in Wuhan, this story will likely go home. For those who were in Wuhan and experienced it up close, it will probably be different, Færøvik tells Nettavisen.

Read more: Crushing attack on China’s president for keeping the secret that makes the world more dangerous

He believes that China made catastrophic mistakes at the beginning of virus management.

– The virus was allowed to spread freely around the world. It happened as a result of negligence in China. In the middle of the critical phase in Wuhan, one plane after another left the city. In this way, the virus spreads. China has been condemned by many countries, not just the United States. Australia allowed itself to be so rude as to request an international investigation. It was met with strict counter-actions from China, he says.

The new superpower will not tolerate countries requesting investigations or criticizing its handling of the virus. Although Donald Trump has been at the forefront of the toughest policy against China, the China author believes that Joe Biden will continue the line.

– Democrats and Republicans disagree on many things. But if there’s one thing they could agree on, it’s that China has taken liberties with the United States and the world, and that one must unite to stop China’s aggressive power politics, says Færøvik.
