Celebrities on Joe Biden as President: – Hollywood Responds:


On Saturday night, several American outlets follow Dagbladet and write that Joe Biden has been elected as the 46th president of the United States. It is no secret that the presidential election has received a lot of attention in the last year and especially in the last week, after the vote counting, to put it mildly, dragged on for several days.

BROKE: CNN commentator and former Barack Obama adviser Van Jones went bankrupt in the television studio when it was confirmed that Biden will be the next president of the United States.
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Therefore, the tension has risen and not diminished precisely considering that Donald Trump has repeatedly stated that he demands a recount and threatens to take the result to court.

On social media, several of the world’s most important celebrities have been very active during the elections and have encouraged their followers to exercise their right to vote. The fact that Biden is now assuming the role of Trump, naturally, also characterizes the Instagram broadcast on Saturday night.

CONGRATULATIONS BIDEN: Shortly after the main US media announced that Joe Biden would be the next President of the United States, Kamala Harris shared this moving video on Instagram.
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– Finally

Among those happy with the result is “Legal Blonde” star Reese Witherspoon, who describes this as big news.

“No matter which side you are on, let’s take a moment and think about how far women have come in this country. When I think of all those who broke glass ceilings and paved the way for a woman to finally become Vice President of the United States , I am very excited, ”he writes, among other things, and points to several women who have traveled the path.

“And to all the young women of our country. BIG DREAM. Everything is possible,” he continues.

– HARMFUL: The NRK host criticizes Trump’s statements and believes that it is the biggest attack on American democracy in his life.
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– Nothing but love

In her new role as vice president, Kamala Harris will historically become America’s first black vice president, and she has a strong following among Hollywood stars.

“One Tree Hill” star Sophia Bush is also very pleased with the election result.

“Once again, democracy is proven to be high in the heart of America,” he writes.

Lady Gaga, on the other hand, has nothing but love to give Biden and the recent vice president.

“Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the American people have just given the world one of the greatest acts of kindness and courage humanity has ever seen. Nothing but love for our new commander-in-chief and the first elected vice president of the White House, “she writes in a photo of her and Biden.

As Ariana Grande writes that she cries and thanks God for the election result, John Legend congratulates Biden and Harris:

“Thank you for choosing to serve the country during these difficult times.”

Comedian Amy Schumer believes the election result is also great news.

“We did. Is anyone else crying like a monster? Millions used their voices clearly: they chose Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to guide us to a better future,” he writes.

Schumer points out that there is a lot of work that the duo has ahead of them, but that it is important to think about what the country has already done.

“This is how they stick together and make a difference. I am so proud of America. I have hope for the future and for human life. Finally,” writes model Bella Hadid.

Actress Kate Hudson joins the ranks of celebrities who are impressed with what the country has accomplished during this year’s presidential election.

“I’m sure that many will cry with me, let it go. A beautiful moment in history,” he writes, among other things.

“Friends” star Jennifer Aniston writes that today is a good day and that it is time to look forward.

Also in this country, reactions are beginning to arrive on social networks, and among others, María Mena came out quickly after the result was ready.

“Decency won. Being a kind and respectful person wins. I am finally proud to be an American again, “she writes while proudly displaying her passport.

Cheers to Biden and Harris. I am very happy on behalf of all my American friends tonight, and that President Biden promises to be a unifying leader at home and in the world, “writes Gunhild Stordalen, noting that she is very anxious for the new president.
