
Martín Ødegaard, Real Madrid | Guardiola went straight to Fjørtoft with a clear message about Ødegaard: – I will make him the best player in the world

[ad_1] Jan Åge Fjørtoft reveals Pep Guardiola’s very personal message when the Spaniard was Bayern Munich coach. He’s on a recent episode of the Transitional Journalist. Fabrizio Romanos podkast-series «Here we go», where the Italian brings as a guest the Norwegian football expert and former national team player Jan Åge …

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Himself to the last end

[ad_1] MANAGER Trump draws troops from Afghanistan, Iraq and Yemen. Trump’s latest order is both self-absorbed and life-threatening in the current situation. TALIBAN STRENGTHS: This strengthens the position of the Taliban and incites the Islamic State and al-Qaeda, which have around 4,400 soldiers in the country. Reuters / NTB see …

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– The Most Dangerous TV Minutes in US History

[ad_1] Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, tried at a press conference Thursday night to convince once again that electoral fraud was committed during the US elections. As he spoke, brown streaks began to run down each side of the attorney’s face, gaining a lot of attention on Twitter. – Rudy …

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