
Domestic violence, violence in close relationships

[ad_1] West Police District Police had to handle multiple reports of domestic violence the night before Christmas Day. The other police districts of the country have not had a similar night. NTB-Snorre Schjønberg: – We started duty at 23. And after that he went into one with several such cases, …

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The worst day of infection on Christmas Eve – VG

[ad_1] INCREASE IN INFECTIONS: Stavanger now has an increasing tendency for infections. Photo: Fredrik Hagen 36 people were registered infected in Stavanger on Christmas Eve, according to figures from the municipality. This is the highest number in a day since the start of the pandemic. Published: Just updated The VG …

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– Ari would have said that life must go on.

[ad_1] On the first day of Christmas a year ago, Ari Behn took his own life. Do you need someone to talk to? Mental Health Helpline: 116123 (open 24 hours), Kirkens SOS: 22 40 00 40 (open 24 hours), Cross on Halsen chat service Leve Landsforeningen for suicide …

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This happens if it is positive – VG

[ad_1] OFFERS QUICK TESTS: Starting Tuesday, you can take a quick test when you arrive at Oslo Airport. Illustration photo. Photo: Gøran Bohlin If you test positive, and your quarantine site is too far away, you must be isolated in the municipality of arrival. On Tuesday, rapid tests began for …

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In the shadow of charity – Expression

[ad_1] This article is over a month old and may contain outdated advice from authorities regarding coronary heart disease. Stay up to date on the NRK overview or on the FHI website. It’s been nine months since the government launched the fight against infection as a national charity. It was …

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Vaccine residues can give Norway 500,000 extra doses

[ad_1] Requires FHI approval. If FHI approves the use of residual doses from the vaccine vials, Norway can receive an additional 500,000 doses out of the 2.5 million doses Norway can receive from the Pfizer vaccine. The glasses, which are intended for five doses, can hold six to seven doses, …

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