
I got dispensation for breaking the crown rules

[ad_1] Health Minister Bent Høie recently announced at Thursday’s press conference that we must continue to avoid greetings and pinches for a long time to prevent the spread of the infection. Therefore, many were surprised when Olav Fykse Tveit (59) received a hand salute on Sunday and was chosen by …

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Believe in the vaccine no earlier than fall 2021

[ad_1] MP-stories-top widget – At best, we can vaccinate here in Norway in the fall of 2021. More realistically, it will happen a year or two after that, believe the professor and the superior, who is a member of the administration and staff of the National Institute of Public Health …

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Less risk of a second wave in Sweden – VG

[ad_1] SECOND STRONG WAVE: Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell notes that in countries that quickly took tough measures, many people can still get infected. Photo: Pontus Orre Just days after Germany eased the measures, the number of infected crowns has now increased again. Swedish state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell, for his …

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