
Laila Anita Bertheussen, Tor Mikkel Wara

[ad_1] Defendant Laila Anita Bertheussen believes that she is the victim in the case. Now PST will tell how they investigated the case against her. The article is continually updated. OSLO DISTRICT COURT (Nettavisen): On December 6, 2018, the house and car of then-Justice Minister Tor Mikkel Wara were vandalized. …

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National Institute of Public Health, Camilla Stoltenberg | Stoltenberg fears people can no longer cope with infection control

[ad_1] Half a year of crown measurements has passed. Now the director of FHI, Camilla Stoltenberg, is concerned about the increase in fatigue from infections in the population. Saturday marks six months since the March 12 government introduced the most intrusive peacetime measures to combat the corona pandemic. – Seriously. …

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Donald Trump – Anger Against Trump Is Growing

[ad_1] NEW YORK (Dagbladet): Opinion polls show that Americans are already very dissatisfied with the way Trump has handled the crown pandemic. On Wednesday came a dramatic new reveal of the upcoming book “Rage,” written by famous journalist Bob Woodward. In interviews, Donald Trump admits how he deliberately downplayed the …

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Wind Power Contractor Received Letter with White Dust – E24

[ad_1] The bomb squad traveled from Oslo to Sola after Stangeland Maskin received a letter containing white powder. The substance was found to be harmless. EVACUATED: Stangeland Maskin has received a letter with white powder. Here outside the company premises in Sola. see more Photo: Pål Christensen, Stavanger Aftenblad Published:Updated: …

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