
Climbing fairly quickly – VG

[ad_1] STATUS: Bus traffic in much of Oslo and Viken is affected by a drivers strike. Here are buses parked at Ulven in Oslo. Photo: Terje Pedersen, NTB The bus drivers union has the financial power for a long-term strike. 8,200 drivers across the country are ready to strike. – …

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Housing, Insurance | Drained to remove moisture:

[ad_1] Knut Høgmo drained, but did not help. Now he’s trying something new: – I’m very excited about how this is going. Knut Høgmo owns and rents a 70-year-old house in Trondheim. Two years ago, significant moisture damage was discovered in the basement. – We began to notice in some …

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Corona virus in Spain: – Full intensities:

[ad_1] Spain is among the European countries hardest hit by the corona pandemic this spring. During the summer, contagion rates have risen again, and in the last two weeks the country has registered almost 122,000 new cases, according to figures from the Spanish health authorities. A third of these are …

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Bus strike in Oslo and Viken

[ad_1] All city and regional buses have gone on strike. There are no buses in Oslo or old Akershus. The Ruter public transport company encourages its passengers to choose alternative modes of transport or not to travel. No additional capacity will be deployed, which is in line with the rules …

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