
– Our rights are at stake – VG

[ad_1] WAS CANDIDATE: Pete Buttigieg did a lot better than anyone expected in the primary campaign, even though he didn’t make it to the top. Photo: JIM WATSON / AFP ATLANTA, GEORGIA (VG) As a presidential candidate in the primary elections, he presented a reform plan to the Supreme Court. …

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Taio Cruz was mentally broken by TikTok – VG

[ad_1] POPARTIST: Taio Cruz at an awards ceremony in Los Angeles a few years ago. Photo: Chris Pizzello / AP The British artist (35) left the platform a few days after posting his first video. Taio Cruz took to TikTok earlier this week and quickly gained more than 85,000 followers. …

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This has not happened in 30 years.

[ad_1] On Friday morning, it was announced that King Harald (83) had been admitted to the Rikshospitalet in Oslo. He reported to the royal family on his website. In a new press release from the royal family, the admission was justified by the fact that the king was breathing hard. …

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Internal emails: – Guldvog was reprimanded

[ad_1] Can the National Institute of Public Health help me answer Svein? Of course, I will continue to communicate the FHI criteria. Sincerely, Bjørn. » This was written by health director Bjørn Guldvog in an email to director Camilla Stoltenberg of the National Institute of Public Health. It was 1:04 …

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Killed in police shootout: – Shot by police

[ad_1] On Wednesday this week, an employee disappeared from Lauvstad Bil AS in Notodden. The day before, Tor Henning Dalen, a 39-year-old car repairman, was shot by the police near the closed hotel in Bolkesjø. The shots were fatal. Today he remembered his colleagues during a memorial service at the …

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Andrea (25) had to spend the night at work

[ad_1] – I would really say I’m lucky to be able to sleep at work if space is available, says Andrea Bogen, 25, on TV 2. She works as a nurse at Ullevål hospital. Due to the bus strike, she had to sleep at work until Friday night. – As …

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King Harald: – Admitted at the weekend

[ad_1] On Friday morning, it was announced that King Harald (83) had been admitted to the Rikshospitalet in Oslo. The admission was justified by the fact that the king was breathing heavily. However, it was made clear early on that he was not infected with the coronavirus. On Friday night, …

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