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[ad_1] The president announced the nomination during a formal ceremony in Rosehagen for the White House shortly after 11:00 PM on Saturday night Norwegian time. There was very little tension upfront over who Trump would nominate. Amy Coney Barrett has long been linked to the vacant position, and yesterday both …

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Violent demonstration of covid-19 in London

[ad_1] Several protesters and police officers on Saturday afternoon, Norwegian was swarming with health personnel after violent clashes broke out at a rally in London’s Trafalgar Square, Sky News writes. Thousands of people have gathered to protest the closures and assembly bans that have been introduced to slow the spread …

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Oslo is considering tough new measures from the crown

[ad_1] NTB is aware that the city council administration in Oslo met on Saturday afternoon to assess the situation. This comes after the Norwegian Health Directorate sent a note to the City Council on Friday with a recommendation on the measures that the City of Oslo should introduce to reduce …

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Unknown coronation chief of Norway

[ad_1] On Tuesday August 25, Health Director Bjørn Guldvog took the stage in the Marble Hall of the Ministry of Climate and Environment with a recommendation to the population: all travelers from red countries should be tested. This is due to the proportion of import infections to Norway from the …

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