
– Hit him like a boomerang – VG

[ad_1] BAD MEASUREMENT: A new Reuters national poll shows Joe Biden is 10 percentage points ahead of Donald Trump. American voters are also unhappy with the way Trump has protected himself against the coronavirus. Here he is at an election campaign rally on September 26. Photo: Evan Vucci / AP …

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The Trump Administration Secret: – Call This A Fad

[ad_1] After US President Donald Trump confirmed he was infected with corona on Friday night, a number of questions have been raised about the information that has come out about the president’s health and when he became infected with corona. Several unanswered questions remain, and what Trump’s doctor described as …

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Considering printing tomorrow – VG

[ad_1] President Donald Trumps had a high fever and his oxygen levels are said to have dropped twice. But now you must be on the road to recovery. – The president’s condition has improved, his doctor Sean P. Conley said at a press conference in front of Walter Reed military …

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Soft drinks tax cut alert – E24

[ad_1] The government is meeting with the business community and is proposing to reduce the soda tax by 30 percent in the state budget for next year. SIP SUGAR FREE: Health Minister Bent Høie (H) and Minister of Food and Agriculture Olaug Bollestad (Krf) take a deep breath with a …

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