
Ask FHI to turn to smokers

[ad_1] Researchers at NTNU have made findings showing that obesity and smoking increase the risk of severe COVID-19 disease. NTNU professor Erik Solligård and the Norwegian Cancer Society are now calling on the National Institute of Public Health to put smoking back on the list of risk factors for severe …

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Can we afford to let him jump on the trampoline?

[ad_1] Daniel Rabbe underwent colon surgery when he was nine days old. The fact that you’ve had a bowel movement your entire life has never stopped your mood. He is happiest when he is allowed to jump on the trampoline. But a new rule in the Norwegian healthcare system has …

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Therefore, you can infect others without getting sick.

[ad_1] Many people think it sounds strange. How can you infect others when you don’t have symptoms yourself? Here are nine questions and answers about asymptomatic infection. – When infection increases in society, the probability of meeting people with asymptomatic diseases increases, says Chief Physician Didrik F. Vestrheim, of the …

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Declared Free of Infection – Invites Several Hundred to White House – NRK Urix – Foreign News and Documentaries

[ad_1] Overnight, it was about President Donald Trump and his health. This has happened: Trump declares himself free of infection. Next week’s presidential debate has been canceled. Anthony Fauci confirms over-propagation in the White House. Several hundred people are expected to attend the event at the presidential residence. Trump has …

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