
State Budget: – – Crushes the Kids Support Show

[ad_1] New state budget: new cuts. At least for some groups. Because while some get more, there are also some who get less in this year’s state budget. The proposed new budget states, among other things, that the government wants greater savings in so-called support for children’s shows in 2021. …

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Turns his back on Trump: – Massacre

[ad_1] The US presidential elections are fast approaching. November 3 is for Americans who have not yet voted at the polls. In the White House sits a president who, despite the crown disease, conducts interviews, invites hundreds of people to see him speak, and not least, tweets. All in the …

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Trump in balcony speech: – The virus will disappear

[ad_1] – I feel very goodTrump said in his first public appearance since he was released from the hospital on Monday. Trump spoke from a balcony on the south side of the presidential residence. – I want you to know that our nation will fight this terrible virus from China. …

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