
You want to go into quarantine from northern Finland

[ad_1] Since June 15, there have been exceptions to the entry quarantine in the Nordic countries, for regions where the spread of the infection is considered low. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) now recommends that the government introduce entry quarantine for six new districts in Finland. Among them …

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– Says the systems work – VG

[ad_1] – THE SYSTEM WORKS: University of Oslo researcher Gunnveig Grødeland would be concerned if there were no discrepancies during vaccine testing. Photo: Håvard Rønning Norwegian experts agree that it is comforting that another vaccine study has been suspended, even though it may lead to delays in a future vaccine …

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Fear that the vaccine will weaken – VG

[ad_1] 100,000 minks: At the Gjol farm west of Aalborg in Denmark, around 100,000 minks must be killed. Photograph: MADS CLAUS RASMUSSEN / Ritzau Scanpix / NTB Danish authorities are sounding the alarm after crown outbreaks on several mink farms in the country. The scary scenario is that a mutation …

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Father and daughter stabbed in Trøndelag

[ad_1] Police were notified of the incident at 12.50 am on Wednesday night. – The message was that the offended father called the police and told them that he and his daughter had been stabbed. When he was on the phone with the police, he told them that the perpetrator, …

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