
Enforce the rules for close contacts – VG

[ad_1] INFECTION AT HOME: Health and Care Services Minister Bent Høie says a significant proportion of infection occurs among those living together, and new measures to prevent further infections at home went into effect on Friday. Photo: Frode Hansen The government is now giving new advice to stop the infection …

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Six things you need to know about the American elections

[ad_1] Now there are only a few days left until Donald Trump or Joe Biden are elected as the next president of the United States. ILLUSTRATION: MARVIN HALLERAKER. Published Published Right now commentary This is a comment. Comments are written by BT commenters, editors, and guest commentators, and express their …

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More than 20,000 infected corona in Norway

[ad_1] In the last two days, the increase is 993 reported cases, according to figures from the National Infectious Disease Notification System (MSIS). On the day before midnight Tuesday night, 433 new infections were recorded, clearly the highest ever. By Wednesday, the corresponding figure was 324, while in Thursday’s count, …

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“Tell my children that I love them” – VG

[ad_1] WORKED AS A NURSING ASSISTANT: Simone Barreto Silva was originally from Brazil, but had lived in France for the past 30 years. Photo: SIMONE BARRETO SILVA / REUTERS NICE / OSLO (VG) The mother of three Simone Barreto Silva was one of the three victims of the knife attack …

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