
Equinor sues the state for tax reduction – E24

[ad_1] Equinor and the state are barking together on a comprehensive tax case. Outgoing CEO Eldar Sætre at Equinor. Here with Anders Opedal, who will take over on November 2. see more by schemeHåkon Mosvold Larsen Published:Updated: September 18, 2020 5:42 PM, Posted: Sep 18, 2020 2:16 pm In March …

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– It goes against my constitutional right – VG

[ad_1] MOSINEE, WISCONSIN (VG) Just before the United States completed its 200,000 registered crown deaths, President Donald Trump held another large election rally in which very few of those present wore bandages or maintained the recommended distance. – It shouldn’t be an issue, because bandages don’t help much. I do …

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Trump Soon Predicts US TikTok Solution – VG

[ad_1] BLOCKED: US Department of Commerce Introduces Ban on New Downloads of TikTok App from US Retailers. Photo: Mark Schiefelbein / AP / NTB The United States is blocking the download of Chinese-owned TikTok and Wechat on Sunday, the Ministry of Commerce reports. But millions can still use the TikTok …

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Here are the measures being considered in Oslo – VG

[ad_1] RESTAURANT REGISTRATION EVALUATION: Health Councilor Robert Steen explains what new measures the Oslo City Council is considering. Photographed here during a press conference at Bryn’s closed fire station in early September. Photo: Heiko Junge The municipality of Oslo announced on Friday that it is considering stricter measures in the …

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Several infected at the Follo medical center – VG

[ad_1] INFECTION MONITORING JOBS: Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold is Nordre Follo’s chief physician. The photo was taken during a press conference on Friday where Myhrvold and the mayor reported on the outbreak in the township. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB Two people from the Follo Local Medical Center were diagnosed …

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