Canadian city drops an unfortunate name


The inhabitants of the small Canadian town of Asbestos mining town can no longer bear to be associated with the dangerous product asbestos.

The city, located about 150 km east of Montreal, once got its name from the asbestos mines in the region, and is now undergoing a name change.

In the future, everyone will live in the city of Val-des-Sources.

Look under the name

The city’s mayor, Hugues Grimard, unveiled the new name, which was decided in a referendum this week. He calls the process historical, writes the BBC.

“Above all, it is inspiring for the future,” he said.

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These are the images that shake the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority

The name of the city, Asbestos, means asbestos translated directly. The city was once the site of the largest asbestos mine in the world, and it was given the English name for the mineral, rather than the French “amiante”, in the late 19th century.

Since then, the product has been banned around the world for causing fatal lung diseases.

As the negative health consequences of the product increased, the inhabitants suffered from the negative association.


The city council believes that the name has hampered the city’s ability to attract foreign investment, and in November last year announced the search for a new name.

The asbestos mine in the city closed in 2012.

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Asbestos are crystalline silicate minerals with a fibrous structure that can be carcinogenic, among other things.

Since 1985, asbestos has been banned in Norway because it is dangerous to inhale, while in Canada it was finally said that it was finally stopped in 2018. Asbestos was widely used in the first decades after WWII, partly due to the ability insulating material.

The signs and other items to be adorned with the new name are expected to be ready by the end of the year.

– It will be a fantastic Christmas present, said Mayor Grimard.

And what does the new name, Val-des-Sources, mean? Yes, that means “Kildedalen”, and we all agree that it sounds a bit better than the old name.
