Camilla Stoltenberg, fhi | The NIPH feared that wearing a bandage would increase the risk of infection.


– The risk of infecting yourself increases, says FHI, and it comes with a major boost.

Blinds on the bus. Blinds on the train. Bandage in the store. Bandage in the mall. Bandage in the restaurant.

There will be a lot of bandages this winter.

Also read: Oslo Municipality Introduces New Rules for Infection Control in Grocery Stores

See the video above: The head of FHI on a mask in the subway.

And it will not only be the use of a mouthpiece in many situations, but the mouthpiece will also be used often.

  • Blindfold when walking Hostal in a restaurant.
  • Blindfold when travel you go to the bathroom.
  • Blindfold when get out of the restaurant.

And every time the mouthpiece is removed, it must be thrown away, and the next time a new one is used.

Held in a bandage for a reason

While many other countries around the world jumped on the mouth bandage recommendations, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health was very reluctant.

Most recently, two months ago, NIPH wrote an important document on the use of bandages, on behalf of the government.

– There is a great risk of misuse of bandages and cloth bandages when used in society, wrote FHI.

As for the disadvantages of bandages, they listed the following:

  • Higher risk of infection for people due to touch. of the mask with subsequent eye contact with contaminated hands
  • Possible risk of infection by not changing the mouthpiece when it is wet or contaminated.
  • Headaches and breathing problems. depending on the type of mask.
  • Development of rashes, sores, and allergic reactions with prolonged use.
  • Difficulty communicating clearly and distinctively.
  • Difficulty communicating with people with hearing problems.
  • General discomfort.
  • False sense of security, with the consequent lower compliance with other infection control measures

FHI informs Nettavisen that they have not received estimates of how many more are believed to be infected as a result of increased use of bandages, but that the danger of an increased risk of infection remains a concern.

On the bright side, there were a few more vague advantages, which in part were directly contradictory to the cons:

  • Reduced risk of exposure to infections asymptomatic and presymptomatic people.
  • Reduced stigma of people who want to use masks to prevent the spread of the infection to the environment, or of people who care for patients with COVID-19 outside the health service.
  • It gives the feeling of contributing in the working day to prevent infection with covid-19.
  • It can be a reminder to comply with other infection control measures.
  • Social and economic benefit.

The conclusion of FHI is that face masks should not be recommended in any situation, except when there is “high infection pressure” and other measures are not more appropriate.

Also read: Nakstad: the situation is much less dramatic than in March

Camilla Stoltenberg: – An additional measure

In an interview with Nettavisen, FHI Director Camilla Stoltenberg says that FHI nonetheless supports the measures that have been introduced in Oslo and Bergen.

– We are in a situation where we try with means that are not so intrusive to limit the spread of the infection, in addition to the basic rules that we have, says Stoltenberg.

– So it is absolutely correct that there is uncertainty about the effect of the masks, it is not FHI that has doubts about it, but when the scientific documentation is summarized, there is uncertainty about the effect, says Stoltenberg.

She has a clear recommendation to wear a mask correctly and refers to the videos they have made on their websites that show this.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Mouthpiece Poster

This is one of FHI’s fact sheets about face masks. One of the most important points is to use the nozzle only once.

Nozzles need to be changed every time

Section leader Hanne-Merete Eriksen-Volle of the National Institute of Public Health tells Nettavisen that this means that a bandage must be changed each time it is removed.

– In situations where the nozzle needs to be used multiple times in a short time, such as when required in restaurants, it is recommended to use a new nozzle each time. If you still choose to reuse a mask, it will have a reduced infection prevention effect.

It also stresses the importance of actually spraying your hands every time you put on and take off a bandage:

If you touch the dirty part of the mouthpiece that filters the air with dirty hands, the infection can settle on the mouthpiece and increase the risk of infecting yourself.
