Camilla Herrem, Handball | Herrem reached an agreement with the Norwegian girls after leaks about the pregnancy:


Camilla Herrem (34) had to lie to the VG journalist’s face after someone leaked to the press that she played the World Cup when she was pregnant. She really liked it.

In the recent book “Camilla without a filter”, Herrem opens up about life as a profiled handball player.

The spotlight also has dark sides that haven’t always been so nice.

In the book, Herrem recounts several episodes that he has not particularly appreciated.

– This was “top secret”

An event to which he dedicates a lot of space in the book, it took place in November 2017. The Norwegian women’s national team came together to play the Møbelringen Cup in final preparation before the World Cup in Germany two weeks later.

There, Herrem dropped the news that she was pregnant.

Since she had only been on tour for eight weeks, the girls on the national team were strictly told not to say a word about this to anyone.

This was “top secret”, a secret in which only a select few had been opened. I could vividly imagine all the fuss if this came out just before the World Cup, and I didn’t think it would be very fair to opponents either, if it had to deal with the fact that the Norwegian left was pregnant. I trusted that the girls would hold on tight, they had to promise, and as a dramatic gesture I ran my thumb and forefinger over my lips to mimic that the mouth should be zipped shut and that the omertà of the mafia, total silence, had just entered in force Herrem writes in the book.

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THE SPORTS INTERVIEW: Camilla Herrem is the first person in the Nettavisen series of articles

She didn’t get what she wanted.

– Resplendent Rage accumulated

In the middle of group games at the World Cup two weeks later, there were some who had failed to stay close.

“We had arrived in Magdeburg and were preparing to face Spain when the experienced VG handball reporter Jostein Overvik pushed me aside during the press conference the day before the match. When we were out of earshot, he told me that Reliable sources knew that I was pregnant, and could you confirm it here and now? The brain reacted with lightning speed, and I replied in a low voice that no, it was not true, I was not pregnant at all. I felt like an incandescent rage was building Only the closest family and three friends she blindly trusted knew she was pregnant, in addition to the national team players and the closest support staff, “she writes.

Therefore, Herrem found himself in a difficult situation. He also had a good relationship with the journalist.

“In other words, someone had leaked in and thus forced me to have to stand in front of Jostein Overvik like this and lie directly to his face. It was extremely uncomfortable, also because I had always respected him as a journalist already. throughout my life I had had honesty as a guide for everything I said and did. But here I had no choice. I had not yet been more than ten weeks pregnant, and I wanted to decide for myself exactly when and how this would turn out “, she says the book.

– Do not hide that I was cursed

After the press conference, when all the girls gathered to themselves, Herrem recounted what happened.

He then gave a clear message about what he thought about the leak.

“I didn’t hide in the slightest that I was cursed, but now everyone knew what I thought of everything, and then it was just to focus on the remaining World Cup matches. I didn’t intend to launch a full-scale investigation, and I also did not have much faith that someone would break down, confess and ask for forgiveness, “he writes.

After losing the World Cup final against France, Herrem went straight home to Sola.

On December 22, she posted on Instagram a photo of the dog Lykke posing with a bib around her neck where she said, “Guess what! I’m going to be a big sister. ”Then the news came out.

Herrem has yet to be told who did not closely monitor the pregnancy.

On July 7, 2018, son Theo was born.

Herrem, 34, has been in the spotlight in handball since breaking through at Sola in the early 2000s.

He has played 250 international games for Norway and has been a mainstay of the Norwegian national team for years.
