Breonna Taylor’s family demands legal documents – VG


Breonna Taylor’s family attorney Benjamin Crump took a tough line against prosecutor Daniel Cameron at Friday’s press conference. Photo: Darron Cummings / AP

The family of the deceased Breonna Taylor is demanding that the judicial documents of the case be delivered, after the accusation against a police officer was known this Wednesday.

Breonna Taylor, 26, was shot and killed in her own home on March 13 this year after three police officers locked the door to carry out a drug raid on her apartment.

On Wednesday, State Attorney Daniel Cameron announced the indictment. A police officer is accused of endangering her neighbors, but no one is charged with murder.

There have been large demonstrations in Louisville for several months, and in the hours after the grand jury’s decision was known, several violent clashes between protesters and police were reported.

The family now demands that the court papers of the case be served.

– The family is broken, upset and confused, attorney Benjamin Crump said on behalf of the family at a news conference Friday.

Taylor’s family was present during the press conference and was heavily affected by the incident.

IN PAIN: Breonna Taylor’s mother was present during Friday’s press conference and had to shed tears several times. Photo: Darron Cummings / AP

“We declare on behalf of Breonna Taylor that enough is enough,” he said.

Crump took a hard line against Attorney General Cameron, claiming the investigation was covered. At the same time, he made a clear call for a new investigation to be launched.

– Delivering the court papers, Crump repeatedly yelled along with the rest of those who attended the press conference in Louisville.

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– You can’t stop the revolution

Along with Taylor’s family, Jacob Blake’s father was also present and gave a speech.

– I knew I had to be here today and support the family. If we lie down and get run over, how can we fight and where would we be? The revolution cannot be stopped, he said.

Jakob Blake (29) is paralyzed in hospital after police shot him several times in the back in August.

– My son gave me the strength to come here today. He can’t defend himself today, so I defend him. We must all defend it and we must all stand up and say something. Stand up for Brianna, Blake’s father said.

He also made a clear call for the people to vote in the upcoming elections.

– If we don’t change the stables, they will continue to treat us like animals. Laws must change, he said.

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He defended the accusation

State Attorney Daniel Cameron said Wednesday that the investigation took time because it was so important to have all the facts on the table.

No charges have been brought against the other two police officers involved in the shooting, although FBI analysis, according to Attorney General Cameron, has shown that one of them fired the fatal shot at Breonna Taylor.

Because Taylor’s boyfriend shot first, the actions of these cops were justified, according to the prosecutor, who acknowledges that the decision will be unpopular with many.

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