Break the silence: – Desperate fear


ORLANDO (Dagbladet): It occurs in the middle of a heartbreaking election campaign between Donald Trump (74) and Joe Biden (77).

Romney is now taking a firm stand against the tone of debate and political debate in the United States.

– The world looks at the United States in desperate horror. Our children are watching. Americans fear for our country. There is so much division, anger, hatred and violence, Romney writes.

WINDOW: Dagbladet reporter Trym Mogen was present at Donald Trump’s public meeting on Tuesday night, Oct. 13, and observed several people without masks, despite strong recommendations.
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He says he has chosen to remain silent about the elections, but now had to take the magazine out of his mouth.

It notes, among other things, President Trump’s characterization of vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris as a “monster” and that he calls the leader of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, “crazy Nancy.” At the same time, he is attacking the Democrats who have devised powerful and personal attacks on Trump.

Giant audience attracted: - Feeling powerful

Giant audience attracted: – Feeling powerful

Romney believes that presidential candidate Joe Biden has not “fallen as low as others.”

– The media of both the right and the left reinforce everything, Romney writes in the message on Tuesday afternoon.

Rage attack

– The rabid attacks set fire to conspiracy theorists and haters, who take small, predictable steps from words to dangerous actions, Romney writes.

- It looks very bad

– It looks very bad

Romney has been a watershed figure in American politics in recent years. In the Russia investigation, he was, among other things, one of those who would vote to overthrow Trump, as the only Republican in the Senate.

Now, however, Romney is one of those who wants Amy Coney Barrett to be installed as a Supreme Court Justice. He was one of the Republicans most critical of Donald Trump before the 2016 election.

– It’s time to lower the temperature. Leaders must tone down at all stages. Parents, bosses, journalists, teachers, union leaders and everyone. The consequences of this mind lead us to a terrible place. No sane person can want that, Romney writes,

The case is being updated
