– Both have more to lose than gain – VG


CLEVELAND, OHIO (VG) An aggressive tone with attacks both ways, a pressured president, and a lot at stake. This is what experts believe will be the first debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

– Now Biden is ahead of the polls, so a really bad performance from him will be very regrettable at this stage of the election campaign, but then the same can be said of Trump. The truth is that the stakes are high for both candidates, and both candidates probably have more to lose in the debate than in winning it, says professor and debate expert Alan Schroeder of Northeastern University.

His colleague at the University of Missouri, Professor Mitchell S. McKinney, points to a perhaps unproven but potentially unfortunate strategy from Donald Trump. As the president has criticized Joe Biden’s ability to debate, the expectations of many of him will be low.

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– Actually, you just need to introduce yourself and conduct these discussions quite simply. But if he makes a mistake, say something wrong that makes it possible to question his cognitive abilities, then for many it may reinforce the impression Trump has tried to create of him, says McKinney.

The evening’s debate can be seen on VGTV starting at 3 o’clock, and on Wednesday morning there will be a broadcast with highlights and reactions from both Ohio voters and experts. Also, VG commentators are rolling the dice on the “Giæver og gjengen” podcast.

We warm up from 9.30 pm, follow the transmission here:

VG is in Cleveland, Ohio, where there will be a somewhat different debate as a result of the corona pandemic. There will be far fewer spectators in the room, there will be no handshakes, and there will be no supporters entering the press room to tell reporters exactly why their candidate crushed the opponent after the debate is over.

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– Very high level of conflict

The two experts that VG has spoken expect a tough debate. Schroeder notes that both candidates have previously shown that they are willing to execute an aggressive style. Trump against Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Biden as vice presidential candidate against Paul Ryan in 2012.

Among other things, McKinney has served as a consultant for the Presidential Debate Commission, which is the independent party group that organizes presidential debates. He believes that the debates between Trump and Clinton were the most conflict-oriented and attack-oriented in history.

– Most of these attacks, using nicknames, for example, came from Trump. I think we should expect that this year’s debates also maintain a very high level of conflict and are full of attacks, says the professor.

DISCUSSION SCENE: The day before, an all-working test was done in the debate room in Cleveland, Ohio. Photo: SAUL LOEB / AFP

He believes that Biden, whom he describes as more reserved and concerned with showing care and empathy, needs to be careful not to get completely run over.

– He must be aggressive in the duel, otherwise he runs the risk of falling into Trump’s trap that he is “Sleepy Joe”, says McKinney.

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This is what they need to discuss

The discussion is led by Fox News host Chris Wallace. During the 90-minute debate, they will cover six topics:

The candidates’ political brochures, the crown pandemic, the Supreme Court – where Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the vacant seat this weekend – the economy, racial issues and violent demonstrations, and the integrity of the election itself . Donald Trump has repeatedly asserted recently that he does not believe the Democrats and Biden can win without electoral fraud.

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Also, many hope that the New York Times tax disclosure on Donald Trump will be a topic.

“It will be exciting to see how Trump will explain his actions on many of the difficult issues that affect the American people now,” McKinney said.

– I hope Trump is Trump. It will be the same old dance where he counts how incredible he is, how miserable his opponents are and that nothing negative about what happened is his fault, says Schroeder.

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It can be crucial

But no matter who gets the best out of the debates, Alan Schroeder doesn’t have much faith that they will move many voters. He believes this is true in all election campaigns, because most people know the candidates long before the debates begin, but more true this year.

– In 2020, there are practically no voters who have not decided at the moment, so it is mainly about mobilizing their own supporters and making sure they actually go to vote, says the professor.

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Mitchell S. McKinney says polls he has conducted show that between 90 and 95 percent of those who watch the debate already know who to vote for. However, he believes that the 3 to 5 percent who normally decide based on discussions can be very important to get on his side.

– In an election where opinion polls show there is almost a tie in several major states with tips, being able to convince just 2-3 percent of viewers can have consequences for the outcome of the entire election, he believes.

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