Book on Salvini with blank pages has become a bestseller in Italy – VG


EMPTY BOOK: Former Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini. Photo: Roberto Monaldo / LaPresse via AP / NTB

A book about former Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini tops the Amazon sales charts, though it only has blank pages.

The book “Why Salvini deserves trust, respect and admiration” costs 6.99 euros, equivalent to just over 74 crowns, has 110 pages and has been the best-selling book on Amazon’s Italian website for several days.

– This book is full of blank pages. Despite several years of searching, we did not find anything on this topic, so feel free to use this book for your own notes, it says in the description of the book, which appears to have been published under a pseudonym.

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Salvini can be processed

Salvini leads the far-right Ligaen party and is a polarizing figure in Italy. The party is known as anti-immigrant and critical of the EU.

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