Biden’s new advisor is highly critical of Tegnell


To date, more than 25 million cases of infection and nearly 420,000 corona-related deaths have been recorded in the United States. This makes the country the most affected country in the world.

On Thursday, United States President-elect Joe Biden declared war on the pandemic. It introduced a series of measures, including a negative test order and quarantine for anyone arriving in the United States.

Biden has long made clear that fighting the pandemic has the highest priority during his presidency. It has already created a new response team, which will spearhead the White House responsible for the fight.

- I never talked about releasing the infection.

– I never talked about releasing the infection.

– Risks of being fired

Among those who have been placed on Biden’s response team is Andrew Slavitt, who will serve as the White House’s top crown adviser.

Several Swedish newspapers, including Expressen, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter, now point out that he had previously made strong statements against the Swedish state epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell.

Slavitt has called him the architect behind the strategy of former Donald Trump crown adviser Scott Atlas, who was skeptical about measures to control the pandemic.

- Tragically failed

– Tragically failed

Atlas immediately ended up on a collision course with infection control expert Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx, then resigned from the position.

“Scott Atlas’s brother from another mother, Anders Tegnell, who is the mastermind behind the ‘just ignore it’ strategy, is also out of it, Slavitt wrote in a Twitter message December 3 of last year.

He wrote that “if 200,000 infection cases per day were Tegnell and Atlas’s fantasy, now we have reached that stage.”

“It is only a matter of time before his strategy fires him or compares him to a Nazi,” Slavitt wrote of Tegnell.

IT IS NOT COMPARABLE: Tegnell was interviewed on SVT on Friday, July 31, where he answered questions about whether the death toll in Norway could be compared to that in Sweden. Video: SVT
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Has defended the strategy

Tegnell has received strong criticism for the way he and Sweden have handled the pandemic. Sweden has chosen a less restrictive line when it comes to social isolation than Norway and other European countries. They have long adhered to the strategy of herd immunity.

However, Tegnell has defended the strategy on several occasions and said, by January 18 at the latest, that it is not entirely true that he has “allowed the infection to spread freely in society.”

– We have never talked about releasing the infection, he said in an interview with SVT.

– The Swedish strategy is basically quite similar to that of the other country. It is to reduce the infection as much as possible, he continued.

This is how America will be without Trump

This is what America will be like without Trump

The King of Sweden, Carl Gustaf, also described the country’s infection management as “flawed.”

– It is obvious that the number of deaths is regrettable, and we will definitely have to work to try to understand how we can improve to prevent it from happening again. Whether we call it a failure or not, I think we should leave it to those who investigate this issue in the future, Tegnell said when asked to comment on the king’s remarks at a press conference on December 17 last year.
