Biden meeting canceled after bus was surrounded – VG


BIDEN BUS: One of the buses used by presidential candidate Joe Biden’s election campaign was surrounded by Trump supporters on its way to Austin, Texas, on Friday night Norwegian time. Here’s a Biden bus from a 2019 Iowa election campaign rally. Photo: Joshua LOTT / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA

One of the buses to the Biden campaign was surrounded by Trump supporters on the way to Austin, Texas. A planned election campaign event was canceled as a result of the incident.

The campaign bus was heading from San Antonio to an election event in Austin, Texas, when it was surrounded by vehicles from Trump’s encampment attempting to slow down and pull the bus off the road, a campaign representative from the Trump administration told CNN. Biden.

Neither Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris were on the bus.

At one point, Trump supporters are said to have slowed down to about 30 kilometers per hour on the highway. About a hundred vehicles are said to have surrounded the bus, according to the Biden campaign representative.

Campaign personnel on board are said to have been shaken by the incident, but no one was injured.

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The drivers are said to belong to a group known in parts of Texas for supporting Trump by driving in procession with Trump flags attached to their cars.

The entourage is said to have started yelling insults at Biden’s campaign entourage and then attempted to block the road.

The passengers on board the bus eventually called the police, who had to get out and accompany the bus the rest of the way to Austin. The election event planned later in the evening was canceled.

“Instead of engaging in constructive conversations about the different views Joe Biden and Donald Trump have of our country, Trump supporters in Texas decided today to put our employees, supporters and others at risk,” said Biden’s communications director. . in Texas, Tariq Thowfeek to CNN.

– Our supporters will continue to organize their communities for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the Democrats on the list. To the people of Texas who disrupted our plans today: We will speak on November 3, Thowfeek adds.

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Shortly after the news broke, President Trump posted a video on Twitter of a Biden bus surrounded by Trump supporters in cars. It is not certain that the bus in the video is the same one that was heading to Austin.

– I LOVE TEXAS, the president writes as a text that accompanies the video he publishes.

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