Biden Bets On What Trump Calls “The Swamp” – NRK Urix – Foreign Documentaries & News


“Clean up the swamp” was an important catchphrase for Donald Trump in the election campaign four years ago.

Along with his then strategist Steve Bannon, he wanted to strike out at the political elite in Washington. I wanted to erase it and weaken the alliances that keep it alive.

Many of Trump’s voters liked this message and still like it because the contempt for politicians in the American capital is so strong.

But with Joe Biden, the same elite will return to the White House and the United States Ministries in their entirety.

The team that Biden wants to bring to the White House has extensive experience in Washington.

His goal is to rebuild the federal bureaucracy that Trump has tried to dismantle, and of that comb that you will hear more about in this podcast:

Donald Trump wanted to remove the political elite from the White House. But now they are coming back in full force. Because when Joe Biden chooses his people, three things matter: political experience, political connections, and political education. Who are the people on the team that will rule America for the next four years?

Here’s the team Biden has put together so far, including some speculation:

Fighting the pandemic:

The handcuff pandemic and launching a vaccine will be the biggest task for Biden when he joins on Jan.20.

He has chosen to run his entire administration as chief of staff. Ron Klain (59 years old). The seasoned bureaucrat also held this job for Biden when he was vice president from 2009 to 2016.


MORE POWERFUL: Ron Klain has worked with Biden for decades in Congress and the White House. He now has the most powerful job in the White House after Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Photo: Larry Downing / Reuters

But Klain also has another important experience. He led the Obama administration’s efforts against the Ebola epidemic in 2014 when the deadly virus hit several African countries hard. Klain is expected to play a major role in Biden’s crown battle.

Of course it will too Anthony Fauci (79) do. It is their infection control advice that Americans know best if they support them or not. Fauci is and is loved by many Democrats and hated by many Trump fans. For 30 years he has directed the United States National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIAID). He is now Biden’s senior adviser on health issues.


LOVED AND HATED: Anthony Fauci has been advising Americans on the pandemic since it began. But while some Americans have launched a campaign in support of him, many Trump fans believe it is fake news.

Photo: CARLOS BARRIA / Reuters

It is not yet clear who will be the Minister of Health, but it could be a Democratic governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico, for example. In this job, Biden needs a person who is trusted by the largest possible proportion of the population.

The fight for the economy

Unemployment in the United States is declining, but it is still at 6.7 percent. The discomfort is great for it to build up again during the second wave of infection. Many millions of Americans will also lose their unemployment benefits if Democrats and Republicans in Congress do not agree soon on a new aid package.

To lead his economic policy, Biden focuses on seasoned women who are concerned about inequality and unemployment.

Former Governor of the Central Bank Janet yellen (74) is the woman he wants as finance minister. She was governor of the central bank from 2014 to 2018 and prior to President Obama’s presidency of the Economic Council.


FIRST WOMAN: She will be the first woman in the powerful chair of the Minister of Finance. Janet Yellen is also more experienced than most of those who have held this position.

Photo: LEAH MILLIS / Reuters

Yellen once wrote a doctoral thesis on unemployment and is concerned about why inequality is so great in American society.

The White House also has a powerful budget director. The choice of offering here is by far the most controversial. Neera Teeth (50) He is the director of the Center for American Progress, which was started by key members of the Clinton administration.

The tooth has used very strong words in its criticism of President Trump and several Republicans are already saying that they will not approve it.


RED FABRIC: Neera Tanden during a demonstration in front of the Supreme Court building with other abortion supporters. The head of the think tank is controversial on both the right and the left in America.

Photo: Cliff Owen / AP

Kerry becomes the king of the weather

Joe Biden has promised that the first thing he will do when he joins is to send a letter informing the United States again about the UN climate agreement. To lead America’s re-entry into international climate cooperation, Biden has chosen a well-known name.

John Kerry (76), a former foreign minister and presidential candidate in 2004, will become Biden’s special envoy for climate change. It is not a coincidence, says Storting representative Espen Barth Eide (Labor Party), who has known Kerry well from his time as foreign minister and defense minister.


FORMER CLIMATE ACTIVIST: Chancellor John Kerry together with his Norwegian colleague Børge Brende in Svalbard in 2016.

Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB scanpix

I contacted him to congratulate him and then he told me that now we have no time to waste. I think this is Kerry’s dream job now. In fact, he is a true climate activist, a commitment that began from his student days in the 1960s, says Barth Eide on the War and Peace podcast.

It is not yet clear who will lead the Environmental Protection Agency, which has received steep budget cuts under Trump. But Biden is likely to reintroduce a series of Barack Obama-era environmental regulations and emissions restrictions as soon as he can.

The Ministry of Foreign Relations will be restored

The State Department budget was cut by nearly 30 percent under Trump. With Biden, he will likely return to his old grandeur and size with a former diplomat and bureaucrat at the helm.


RINGREV AND BYRÅKRAT: Antony Blinken was one of the first to announce that Biden wanted to join. The seasoned diplomat will be radically different from his predecessor Mike Pompeo

Photo: JOSHUA ROBERTS / Reuters

Antony Exhibitionist (58) He is the man Biden wants as the new foreign minister. He is a former deputy foreign minister and previously was Biden’s foreign policy advisor. Blinken is very interested in international cooperation, for example at the UN and NATO. He grew up partly in Paris with a stepfather who survived the Auschwitz death march after World War II and burned America’s alliances in Europe.

Former Foreign Minister Børge Brende has met with Blinken many times.

– He’s very serious and hard-working. He is concerned about human rights and that the United States should be a role model and play a role in creating a more inclusive world, says Brende on the War and Peace podcast, where the man who will likely be the next Secretary can also be heard. State of America playing guitar.

Fired by Trump, can become Attorney General

The United States Department of Justice has received a lot of attention during the Trump administration. Many will remember the Russian investigation. But already days after Trump took office in 2017, the drama began at the Justice Department.

Sally Yates (60) She was acting Attorney General when she was fired for refusing to enforce a travel ban from seven Muslim countries to the United States, as Trump announced in January 2017.


REFUSED TO OBEY: Sally Yates was acting attorney general when she was fired by President Trump in January 2017 after she refused to enforce the travel ban he had imposed on people from some Muslim countries.

Photo: PISCINA / Reuters

Yates may become Biden’s Attorney General. It could also be Barack Obama’s counterterrorism adviser Lisa Monaco or Senator Doug Jones, who recently resigned.

Republicans must approve

Now begins the process of getting Biden’s candidates approved by the Senate. Whether Democrats or Republicans win a majority in the next two years will not be clear until January 5. Then there are the elections for the two Senate seats in the state of Georgia, where there was to be a second round of elections. to.

Democrats must win both elections to get a majority in the Senate.

If they don’t, the opposition may stop some of Biden’s nominations.

1.8 billion to Trump

President Trump, for his part, has yet to acknowledge electoral defeat.

However, what he has done in recent weeks is raise a lot of money for his own political future. NOK 1.8 billion comes from various donors who want to help Trump finance all the demands he has started around the conduct of the elections.

Money can also be the starting capital for Trump’s future political career. The one that begins on January 20, 2021. According to NBC, Trump plans to start the electoral campaign for the presidential elections of 2024 begins already then.
