Biden and Trump in fights with each other – NRK Urix – Foreign News and Documentaries


The evening’s debate went straight to the heart of what has been the great debate of the past week. Who will fill the vacant seat on the United States Supreme Court.

– We won

And Donald Trump quickly responded:

– We won the elections. Elections have consequences. We have the White House and the Senate and a phenomenal candidate.

After Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died on September 18, Donald Trump wanted to replace Conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett. It will grant a majority of six conservative judges, against three appointed by the Democrats. It is very unusual to appoint a new Supreme Court justice so close to the presidential elections.

This is what Biden reacted to.

– The president wants to eliminate Obama’s health reform. 20 million people will be taken out of health insurance. I have nothing against Judge Barrett, but women’s rights have fundamentally changed with Obama’s health care reform, Biden responded.

The framework was clear and the themes were established in advance. They were to talk about their political activities, the crown pandemic, the Supreme Court, the violence and riots, the electoral system.

But it was health policy that drove the debate.

– 200,000 people have lost their lives under Trump. What does it mean to them that Obama’s health care reform disappears? Biden asked rhetorically.

“If you were here, 2 million people would die,” responded Trump, who also didn’t let moderator Chris Wallace finish.

“They both talk at the same time,” Wallace said several times to the two fighting cocks.

“Could you shut up, man?”

Many have wondered if Trump could upset Biden and throw him out of control. After 20 minutes, they might have the answer.

“Could you shut up, man?” Biden Trump responded to a question about delaying political processes or obstructionist tactics.

Biden to Trump: Can you shut up?

But it was the crown’s handling of the situation that brought up the disagreements.

– The president has no plan. He learned in February the seriousness of this crisis. He knew it. What did he do? He says he didn’t want people to panic. He didn’t panic. He panicked, Biden said, and Trump responded:

– If we had listened to you, millions of people would have died. She does not know how many people have died in China, Russia and India.

The governors say I did a good job. We are only weeks away from a vaccine, and fewer die when they get sick. We have done a great job, was Trump’s response and that prompted Fox News moderator Wallace to ask:

– Your own experts say that a vaccine is barely ready before summer for most people. You’re wrong

– I have spoken with scientists, they want the vaccine to be ready very soon.

– How can you believe what this man is telling you? Biden said with a bit of resignation, before Trump once again managed to irritate the former vice president.

– Did you say the word smart? Did you forget the name of your university? You were the second worst in class. There’s nothing smart about you, Joe

“Oh give me a break,” was Biden’s reply before asking Trump if he could be quiet for a minute.

Donald Trump and Joe Biden in presidential debate.

Tonight’s debate has been followed by millions of viewers across the United States.

Photo: Sarah Silbiger / AFP / NTB

The economy was a major topic in the debate, and Trump was repeatedly wrong to say that he has built the largest economy in history.

– Biden will shut down the entire country. We had to do it, but we have learned a lot. The bidet will turn off again. Many will suffer.

“You can’t fix the economy until the crisis in the crown is fixed,” Biden replied.

I had to break in

In recent days, the world’s news channels have worried about how much or how little Trump has paid in taxes in recent years, even tonight.

– You paid $ 750 in income taxes in 2016 and 2017. Is that true? Wallace asked.

“I’ve paid millions of dollars in taxes, millions of dollars in income taxes,” Trump responded, and Biden followed.

– Show us your tax card.

The two candidates rarely completed their arguments before the other interrupted them, and a clearly strict moderator asked both of them to remain calm and addressed Trump in particular.

“It’s hard to say a single word with this clown,” Biden replied, as Wallace raised his voice and asked both of them to be quiet.

“I think our country would benefit if we didn’t stop,” Wallace said.

– he is the racist

This spring and summer, many of America’s cities have been hit by riots and violence. Much of this has been about racism and a lot about dissatisfaction.

– This president has tried to create more racist differences. This man has done practically nothing for African Americans in this country. It has been a disaster for them, Biden said, and Trump responded in kind.

You have treated black Americans worse, called them predators, and worse. We believe in law and order, but you don’t. Many of our cities are run by radical leftists and they have you close to pinkie Joe.

Trump was then asked why he had removed parts of police training that tried to understand racism.

– I finished it because it’s racist. Many said it was a revolution that took place in the schools and in the army. They taught people to hate our country, Trump responded, and that made Biden react.

– He’s the racist.

Asked to condemn white extremists

Donald Trump has received much criticism from Democrats for not clearly distancing himself from white extremists and outspoken racists. And on direct questions during the debate tonight, it was not decided either.

– Yes, of course I can. But almost everything I see comes from the left, he replied before saying:

– Back up and wait.

Something that can be translated as keep calm and prepare. Before Trump got close to Antifa.

– Someone has to do something with Antifa and the radical left.


Before the crown pandemic hit the world, everyone thought it was the climate we should be concerned about, it was also a topic in tonight’s debate, and many have thought that Trump is a climate denier.

– I want air and crystal clear water. If you look at the numbers now, we’re doing phenomenally well, but we haven’t ruined the corporate world. When it comes to wildfires, it’s about how to take care of the forest, there are dry leaves on the forest floor, he replied before Wallace reminded him of the question of whether he thought climate change was man-made.

– We must do everything possible to have clean water and air. We planted a billion trees, and I think to some degree (to the point where climate change contributes to wildfires).

– I do not support the green agreement, I support the Biden plan, Biden replied, without going into more details about what it meant in this debate.

Biden will turn 78 on November 20. If he wins the November 3 election, he will be the oldest president in the American context. Trump is 74 years old. These two are the oldest candidates in American history.
