Badger scared Karin (82) this summer – this year’s Christmas present scared her again – VG


This summer, Karin Hansen (82) was visited by a badger at her home in Fredrikstad. On Christmas Eve, he met a new badger, but this was stuffed as a Christmas present.


– My God, I was so scared. It was a little Christmas present, I’ll tell you, says Karin Hansen as she laughs on the phone with VG.

Fredriksstad Blad was the first to mention the case.

The Christmas present you are talking about is a stuffed badger. She got it from her children and grandchildren, after a badger visited her inside the house this summer. The previous visit makes you think that the new stuffed “pet” sometimes seems too lively.

– When I look at him, I think he laughs in his eyes and flaps with his ears, she laughs.

– Not so, but the previous guest did.

Ran away from the chair

One morning this summer, Hansen heard a creak in the curtains. What he first thought was a neighbor cat or bird turned out to be a badger whining and staining his teeth. She then jumped onto a chair, where she remained standing until the animal came out again after a few minutes.

– I have heard the song “Badger in the ceiling”, but probably not everyone has had a badger behind the curtains, told Fredriksstad Blad at the time.

She emphasizes that it is not the same animal that visited her, which is now on display at her home. She only thought about it when she unwrapped the gift, when her children scared her that it was this summer’s badger that had returned.

– The children were laughing to death

When the Hansen family’s Christmas party ranged from ribs and carols to opening presents, the children told Karin Hansen that the biggest present under the tree was for her, but that she would be saved in the end.

– I was curious and I thought “world, for a gift that they have bought me now”, he says.

Check out the video on the top of the box.

“FIX”: This summer, a badger walked through Karin Hansen’s (82) porch door. On Christmas Eve, he had a new encounter with the same type of animal, when he received a stuffed animal as a gift. Photo: Private

However, when he lifted the lid of the large red box, he was in for an unexpected surprise.

– Then I flew into the living room, I was so scared. The children were laughing out loud. I had never expected something like this.

The episode was captured on video and has been shared on social and local media. As one of the two main characters, Hansen thinks it’s funny.

– I myself will be happy if an 82-year-old woman can refresh people’s spirits. Maybe the video can spread a bit of laughter and joy, he laughs.

– No, I don’t know if I want to

– It’s exactly the badger that was in your living room, jokes one of the other guests at the Christmas party, after they unpacked the creature.

– No, I don’t know if I want it, I want it, says Karin Hansen, as she escapes from the teddy bear.

Although the gift was received with some nervousness, you have now decided that the badger will stay at your home.

– You will be allowed to stand by the porch door, where one entered this summer, says Hansen.

However, you have decided that the animal will not be given a proper name.

– It’s called “The Badger.” Huffameg, I don’t bother to give it a name. Damn, just look at him, he insists.
