«Atlantic Crossing»: – NRK responds to carnage


NRK’s ​​expensive series “Atlantic Crossing” premiered on Sunday. The series is about Princess Märtha of Norway (Sofia Helin) and Crown Prince Olav (Tobias Santelmann), who fled to the United States during World War II.

There have been high expectations for NRK’s ​​big new investment. Nine years and NOK 157 million later, on the other hand, critics couldn’t have been more disappointed.

The series was shot twice on Dagbladet.

– “Atlantic Crossing” is a boring national romance looping novel for viewers who hate subtitles, wrote Dagbladet reviewer Merete Hobbelstad.

The series was shot three times on VG and Aftenposten wrote that “Atlantic Crossing” “gets lost in stiff dialogue and dubious imagination.” Bergens Tidende wrote that the series lacks “necessary elegance” and Dagsavisen gives the series a roll of three.

The next three come from Aftenbladet, while NRK’s ​​big bet comes out best at Klassekampen, giving the series a four.

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Nonsense soap opera


NRK drama director Ivar Køhn says he is satisfied with the result.

– I think it’s an entertaining and interesting series. That people have other opinions shows that this is a series that hooks. A drama production about the royal family is another good example of a series of people about whom people have different opinions, Køhn tells Dagbladet.

– Did you expect a better reception considering that the series has consumed so much time and money?

– The most important thing is that the Norwegian people are interested. We don’t do series for review, says Køhn.

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Shout Warning About NRK Recording

At the height of «Home track»

On opening day, “Atlantic Crossing” was viewed by 571,000 viewers linearly and 94,000 on online television.

– I think they are very good numbers, and on par with «22. July “and” start track “. It seems like people have seen it and we think these numbers will increase. This is a very good start, says Ivar Køhn.

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NRK has invested 70 million in “Atlantic Crossing”, but it is only part of the total financing that, according to the channel, has cost at least 157 million crowns. “Atlantic Crossing” is the most expensive Norwegian television series of all time.

– It’s a big and expensive production. We have received a series for a reasonable sum in relation to the total production, says Køhn.
