Asbjørn (43) and Christine (33) cannot leave the room:


In recent days, the coronavirus has hit Hammerfest Hospital. On Thursday afternoon, it emerged that two hospital employees had been infected, before it became clear a few hours later that a third employee had been infected.

During a press conference on Friday, the hospital stated that two new employees tested positive for COVID-19, meaning that a total of five employees have been diagnosed with the virus. There is also a patient in the hospital who has been admitted with the virus.

Asbjørn Sandøy talks about special days at the hospital. On Wednesday, partner Christine Pedersen was taken by ambulance from Alta to Hammerfest, when everything indicated that the birth of her child was underway. Sandøy was driving in her own car.

– We thought that labor would start soon, but then everything stopped. Now we don’t know exactly what’s going on, says Sandøy.

Asbjørn Sandøy and Christine Pedersen wait for the ambulance in Alta.

Asbjørn Sandøy and Christine Pedersen wait for the ambulance in Alta. Photo:

Don’t leave the room

In September Sandøy started the blog “Kokkejævel”, which quickly became one of the most widely read blogs in Norway. The top list on shows that Sandøy has more than ten times more page views in the last 24 hours than the next one on the list, which is Isabel Raad.

So there are many who follow the special days of the family at Hammerfest Hospital. When the infection broke out in the hospital, the couple were no longer allowed to leave the room.

“We are still locked in the room without the possibility of even going out into the hall. If I go, I may not go back in. I convert. It is really very nice to be inside this bubble. I am not bored, although of course I hope that will happen. something soon. It almost feels like I cheated on you, but everything was going fine, “Sandøy wrote on the blog Friday morning.

– There is a vending machine right outside the door, but we are not even allowed to go to it. We receive full service from midwives, who enter our room with a bandage. All patients must remain in their room and not meet others. It’s serious, Sandøy tells TV 2.

– Trying to please us

The family has a history that makes them more careful about following all the rules. This fall, Asbjørn and Christine lost their two-week-old son Vebjørn.

– We are terrified that something will happen and we follow all the rules to the letter. We are very excited, but we try to be happy too, says Sandøy.

There is not much to do in the small hospital room, which has two beds, a table with two small chairs, another chair, a ball, and a television.

– We watch a lot on television and we don’t really do much. We sleep a lot, and luckily we also have the blog that we can run. We really live in a bubble and the outside world does not exist.

– Is the atmosphere good?

– “Girlfriend” and I love each other. Considering what has happened in the past, there are many emotions at stake. We are not bored here, says Sandøy.

There will be a lot to sleep in the hospital room.  In the background is the ball that has also been used to pass time.

There will be a lot to sleep in the hospital room. In the background is the ball that has also been used to pass the time. Photo:

– Understand that they have to do it

Although it’s okay to stay in the room, Sandøy hopes the hospital will get the infection under control soon.

– It is a special situation, and I understand that they must take the measures they do. It seems that most of the hospital is closed.

When TV 2 spoke to Sandøy, for the first time she was allowed to leave the room.

– I had to go to the pharmacy to get the necessary medicine for me. I am wearing full infection control gear and was strictly instructed to travel back and forth. I wouldn’t have been allowed to travel if it weren’t for the fact that I need the medication, says Sandøy, who had plans to surprise her partner with a cake.

– Now I will go back into the room, then we will talk about what we can do to advance the case
