Arab states have signed an agreement with Israel – VG


The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain on Tuesday signed what is described as a historic agreement to normalize relations with Israel.

President Donald Trump hosted the ceremony and had invited more than 700 guests to the lawn outside the White House.

Both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the foreign ministers of the two countries, Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the Emirates and Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani of Bahrain were present.

According to Trump, the signing of the agreement is “the beginning of a new Middle East.”

“We are here this afternoon to change the course of history,” Trump said as the signing ceremony began in front of the White House.

UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah says that normalizing ties with Israel will allow the Emirates to continue supporting the Palestinians to establish an independent state.

To the Israeli Prime Minister, Abdullah said the following during the ceremony:

– Thank you for choosing peace and for stopping the annexation of Palestinian territories.

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Agreement reached with the Emirates: Israel postpones annexation of the West Bank

Normalize connections

The two Arab states are now turning their backs on the 2002 Arab peace plan, lifting their boycott of Israel and establishing normal relations with the country.

The peace plan promises full Arab recognition of Israel when the country withdraws from the Palestinian territories that were occupied in 1967.

The deal with the Emirates was announced in mid-August, and it was also announced on Friday that the small island state of Bahrain, where the Sunni Muslim royal family rules with a heavy hand over the country’s Shiite Muslim majority, will follow.

Ahead of Tuesday’s ceremony, Trump declared that several deals are also imminent with five or six other Arab countries.

– We are very far from about five countries. We are already talking to them, he says.

also read

Trump: Agreement between Bahrain and Israel

Palestinian president rages

Bahrain is one of the main allies of the United States in the region and is home to the headquarters of the Fifth Fleet of the United States Navy.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, who otherwise disagree on most things, are furious at the total change in the two countries.

The boycott of the Arab states has been one of the Palestinians’ main bargaining cards against Israel, and without this they may be forced to accept Trump and Netanyahu’s controversial vision for a peace solution.

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