Another student tested positive for covid-19


On Monday, the university stated that a student at the Norwegian School of Management had been infected with covid-19. Now another student has been confirmed to be infected.

– As a result of the fact that there are now two students at the Tromsø School of Business who are infected and the infection tracing work is ongoing, we are implementing some temporary measures with duration until the end of this week, says the director from Jørgen Fossland University to

According to Fossland, the infected student must have participated in the teaching, and UiT is now helping the municipality’s infection tracking team discover close contacts.

All teaching at the Norwegian School of Management will be digital starting Thursday, and all students and staff are encouraged to study and work from home.

The measures are initially applied until Sunday, November 1, inclusive.

– Affected students and employees will receive more information from the Business School, says Fossland, adding:

– The situation is closely monitored and we ask everyone to pay special attention and contact the corona center for testing if they have symptoms.
